Popular Science Fiction Realms - Gimme your best title!


Feb 15, 2010
While I have many books I have never delved into the popular science fiction realms such as Star Wars, Star Trek etc. Its about time I had a look :D

If you have read from these highly contributed worlds, I would love to hear your favorite.

1.) Favorite Star Trek book
2.) Favorite Star Wars book

Oh...and apologies for mixing the proverbial Matter and Anti-Matter of science fiction in one post.:eek: Hopefully, this forum will not suffer massive destruction due to those two names appearing together.
It's always difficult to pick out a favourite with this kind of thing czyco. With these things seeming to move more into franchises and multiple book series, can we choose a series over a title? Is it these two that you are specifically after? Or can we add other realms. (I was thinking of the Culture books and Warhammer 40K.)

Star Wars. Forgive me for this, but i would have to say that my favourites (and this is a very guilty pleasure) would be the Lando Calrissian books. I read these when i was younger, but as of yet, nothing else has really come close to the characterisation that i loved so much about these books.)

Star Trek would probably be Imzadi. There have been some excellent ST novels, but this one stands out as one to the few to get the feel of one of the relationship between Riker and Troi. (Ironically, i hated both these characters on screen.)
With these things seeming to move more into franchises and multiple book series, can we choose a series over a title? Is it these two that you are specifically after? Or can we add other realms. (I was thinking of the Culture books and Warhammer 40K.)

Sure thing! A series suggestion would be great....and as for adding other realms such as Warhammer 40K...please do!
