(Found) Robot raises planet colonizers


New Member
Apr 22, 2010
read a book in the early 80's about a planet colonized by people raised by a robot. the technology at the time would not allow people to travel to this planet so frozen embrios were sent. upon arrival a robot revived, grew to term, and raised people to populate this planet. during this time technology advanced and another ship was sent with a live crew to investigate. they discovered a society very different -no war -no greed etc. people had multiple jobs. no timeclock. when asked how they knew when to stop working they responded ''how do you know when to stop eating".
I've read the book. I've thought about the premise often. For me the sociology was the big thing. The working premise was that human beings are a blank slate and if they are raised without the need to compete, (the ships robots completed the infrastructure and since it was an advanced society with a whole planet's worth of resources, there was plenty for everyone, there was no need to compete.) When earth is again able to send star ships they are crewed with people who grew up in the dog eat dog atmosphere of earth. ---- All this and I can't remember the name or author. Perhaps someone else will, or I will get a flash. Stay tuned.


PS> Welcome to chrons.

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