Thank you thank you, J. D.! The Other Gods -- ye other gods -- this had me ripping open S. T.'s
An Index to the Fiction and Poetry of H. P. Lovecraft, where I found:
Other Gods: DQ [Dream-Quest, in
At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels, Arkham House revised edition, 1985] 308, 312, 315, 318-19, 321, 338, 353, 355-56, 370, 389, 391, 396-97, 399-400, 403-4/[Not capitalised in OG] 292, 295, 299, 301-2, 305, 321, 335, 337, 351, 369, 371, 376, 378-79, 382-83.
So, these entities are mention'd only in "Dream-Quest." It shames me to confess I don't know if they are named as ye Old Ones. S. T. lists ye mentions of ye Old Ones thus:
Ole Ones: DH 170/174-75; Mo 117f./326f.; MM 62f./58f.; SOI 331, 333, 367/335-36, 368; HM 235/124; SOT 400/399; HD 106/112 [It is not certain that all mentions refer to the same entities] [I think these pages refer to both the older Arkham editions and S. T.'s revised editions]
So, "Other Gods" is used only in "Dream-Quest" -- yet then in that same work we find the only references in Lovecraft to "Great Ones."'s a long list. A smaller list concerns the title:
Great Old Ones: CC 139-41, 147-48/143-46, 152-53; MM 25, 59/23, 55 [Cf. Elder Things. It is not certain that the same entities are referred to in CC and MM]
Hell, this makes me wish that I had Lovecraft's fiction on CD so that I could do electric searches!
I am slowly, when I have time and energy, rereading "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath," although I have trouble deciding if I want to read it in ye Penguin or Arkham edition -- I like the hardcover feel of the Arkham House so I'll probably continue with that.
Wait a minute! I have my recently purchas'd edition of
The Shuttered Room & Other Pieces, with Lin Carter's essay, "H. P. Lovecraft: The Gods"!!! Surely an expert like Carter wou'd know if the Old Ones and the Other Gods are the same, he was an expert on ye Mythos after all
Oh, crimey He lists Nyarlathotep as an "earth elemental"......
Hmm, he's flipping useless, although his section on "Nodens and the Elder Gods" reminds me of --
ye Elder Gods. Ye Elder
Back to Joshi: &, Lin honey,
there are no Elder "Gods" mention'd in Lovecraft S. T. lists Elder Ones and Elder Things (which, S. T. notes: "Presumably = Great Old Ones")....
Yuggoth, whut is that buzzing in me brain? Whut is that tugging of me eye as I study attentively all of this nameless text? Why do the shadows move so suggestively around me? Why am I not working on completing my new story???