Best episode of the series so far (please please please don't screw it up next week, Stevie...
). I'd kind of worked out what the Pandorica was a few weeks back (once I'd got my mind onto the track of Pandora's Box, it was the only thing that made sense: knowing how Moffatt likes his fairy tales and myths, one had to assume he knew what was left
in the box after all the evils of the world had been released. I just hope he's going for the original take on the myth, for obvious reasons...*cough* Valeyard *cough*
), but that didn't spoil the episode at all and there were lots of good laughs, scares and shocks along the way. Particularly liked the "look at me! I'm a target!" and Rory's "I died and turned into a Roman. It's very distracting."
Also liked (and didn't see coming) Rory being an Auton. is that even possible? If the cracks in time erase people from history, then Rory never existed (as the Doctor told him) and Amy wouldn't - and didn't - remember him. Ah, that case, if the trap for the Doctor was built using Amy's could Rory be part of it? More to the point,
why would Rory be part of it? Oh, these temporal niggles...
Anyhow. Regardless of that, the ep still leaves quite a quandary. We've yet to meet whatever it is that's set the cracks in time in motion (now there's a sentence to wrap your teeth around), or found out why he, she or it wants "silence to fall". There's been plenty of speculation on various forums, some of which makes sense, but Moffatt's done a pretty good job of keeping it under wraps. I can only hope that next week lives up to my now heightened expectations.