July 2010 Writing Challenge — The Judge wins!!

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Ziggy Wigwag
Staff member
Oct 13, 2008
West Sussex, UK
Here is the writing challenge for July 2010:


Write a story inspired by the chosen theme, in 75 words or less
There should be a story, not just description
The title is not part of the word count -- or the story
One entry per person
Prose or poetry

All stories Copyright 2010 by their respective authors, who grant the Chronicles Network the non-exclusive right to publish them here.

Contest ends at 11:59 pm GMT, July 23
Voting Ends at 11:59 pm GMT, July 29
(July 31, in the case of a tie-breaker poll)

You do not have to submit a story in order to vote -- in fact, we encourage all Chrons members to take part in choosing a winner

The Magnificent Prize:

The Dignified Congratulations/Grovelling Admiration of Your Peers
Also, the privilege of choosing next month's theme or genre

This month's theme:


Stories should be Science Fiction or Fantasy

Good luck everyone!
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The glimpse of an eternity.

He was the toast of the ball.

His splendid stature made him easy to mark from a distance, and wherever he went he drew admiring, jealous gazes.

Their eyes lingered on his fine cloak and the tail that twitched beneath it.

Their fingertips tingled, longing to reach out, to divine the secret methods of his ingenious hooves, his ivory tusks.

He basked in their appreciation, oblivious: to midnight’s approach, and the unmasking to come.

Security Chief Webster pulled the next file from the pile. “I know the alien’s in here somewhere…”

Name: John Baker
Age: 37
Description: 5’ 9”, brown hair, blue eyes, medium build.
Marital Status: Married, two children, another expected in 5 months.
Distinguishing Features: None
Qualifications: English, History
Position: Clerk

Bored already, Webster pulled the next file…

No-one noticed as circuits in Baker’s hand tripped the electronic lock to the nuclear weapons store.

No-one ever noticed…
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Extreme Measures

It felt strange, being present at her own funeral.

She stood with the other mourners, watching as her mortal remains were lowered into the ground. It had been a difficult procedure, but worth it: synthetic skin covered a metal frame, and even her new face was artificial, yet seemingly completely human. The only part that was still organic was her brain.

She threw a handful of dirt onto the casket. No-one would find her now.
A Fly on the wall

Joe climbed the tree; taking care, waiting, adjusting; discovery would be certain death. Grand Magician Grothward was reaching the pinnacle of his rant.

"...and then we will seize ‘The Eye’ and enslave the Mystics of Felnus", he shouted to tumultuous applaud.

Instinctively, Joe’s tongue flashed out, returning in an instant; eyes bulging as he crunched down on the filthy bluebottle. He would have words to say when Mystics restored him. Chameleon; it had sounded perfect.
The Singer of Secret Sorrows

It was almost too easy. He pretended she was his queen, who cried when he sang.

He made her cry too, and would do so again, for different reasons. He would end up crying as well, he knew, crying over the deception that shattered these new dreams, but better crying than dead.

He sang his songs, spoke his lies, fought the urge to run. Their broken hearts would save countless lives, not only his own.
In the Guise of a Child
I couldn’t believe my eyes; the murderer was right in front of me.
Silky black hair rolled over her shoulders, cascading down her back in smooth waves. Her blue eyes were crystal clear, never hinting at the malice festering underneath. Her doll-like skin shone in the weak light, the knife in her petite hand reflecting it as well.
Her soft lips pulled back to reveal baby teeth as she advanced. It was the perfect disguise.
(curse the 75-word limit T.T)

'What would give the widest attraction?' Fresh out of a purgatory finishing school, first time to Earth. ‘I can be anything.’

'A beautiful woman?' No, half the population is immune. And tastes vary. Same for a scrumptious meal. 'A car?' Italian styling, lowslung, sporty. A man stealing me is probably already hellbound, though. Money gets inconveniently separated.

Covetable, not too valuable.

A pair of clumsy, fluffy, demoniac kittens sets out to conquer the world.

Holding onto this human form was one of the hardest things she’d ever done. Shifting drained her. Her hunger grew with her frustration.

Why did they always herd together? They reminded her of one of their own food animals, sheep; stupid, vulnerable, and oblivious. The canine smile was natural; prey animals indeed.

Soon the pack would be ready. She would be free to hunt and eat. It would be glorious!

Her canines showed again.
Sun Day

The sun beamed out godly rays, transforming molecules haphazardly arranged into complex life.
Evolution blinked rapidly.
One day, the ever more complex molecules stared at the sun, thankful for its awe.
Some started worshipping it.
Soon after, they stared at it, ever closer with better eyes.
One day, they started saying to each other, rather worryingly — ‘That’s not a sun. Not as we know it’
The Sun said, in kind, for the first time — 'hello.'
Apple picking

Miriam skipped along the path. At a small apple tree, laden with fruit, she stopped. She had not seen an apple, not since she had left Earth.

The leaves seemed to chatter to her in the breeze, and one branch gracefully lowered to a level she could reach.

“Miriam,” her mother shouted. “If you see a tree that looks like an apple tree, whatever you do, don’t touch it. Miriam – are you there, child? Miriam..?”

It had drowned him, now it copied his face. Made skin of kelp and algae, used limpets for eyes.

In twilight, shell knuckles knocked at the young widow’s door.

The lamp-glow showed the bruises it had watched being given. It would care for her, be a better man.

But its disguise lacked skill. She screamed, and it fled.

Deep in the sea-lough, it gnawed on its mistake. Thought of redress, how to reunite them.

Sun filters through skeletal arms of frost covered trees reaching toward the azure sky. Shivering, she runs, cramped and claw-like fingers clutching her cloak against the freezing wind.

Swallowing bitter bile in her throat, she settles against an ancient tree nestled deep in the woods. She lets out a sigh heavy with frustration. They'd found her out. Releasing control, the long, serpentine body of her natural form reappears. Turning, the dragon faces her hunters.
Motives Ascribed

Soon our research will be complete, and Earth will be ours.

You see us daily and simply dismiss us.

Today we wrote laws in 63 countries, moved money worldwide, traded in goods,
opened and closed businesses, edited your news.

We know your checkbook, groceries and bills. We know your contracts, divorces and wills.

Oh yes, we report; you wonder where we went or why our ink ran out so quickly.

Soon you will know us.
Which Power?

Her lips brushed his neck. Her warm body pressed against him. Soft hands held his, and her eyes promised the world. He was High King, he already possessed the Known World. This once, he would possess her, too—her power over men, her beauty, her innocence.

‘Forever?’ The word promised so much.

‘Yes,’ he lied.

And he took it all.

A withered hag now lay beside him. He was hers to command.

From the Ashes

For long years, he had assumed that they were friends, family, neighbors.
Somehow they had known when he learned the truth about them- their facade dropped instantly, and they attacked. He barricaded himself in his bedroom. As his sisters' claws tore through the door paneling, he desperately threw himself out a window.
Hobbling away, his entire life slowly incinerating in a bonfire of hatred and vengeance, he too began casting about for a disguise.

Two meet by chance before the crystal basin
Lavinia, neat and plain; wild Rosabella, her hair a crown of flame.
Suspicious, Rosabella hesitates, for fairy gifts are unreliable.
Lavinia -- breathless, ardent -- stoops and laves her face,
And so acquires beauty to pain the heart.

In rustling silks, Rosabella kneels upon the grass
She does not know -- but will know soon enough -- the waters rinse away
Disguises wealth, rank, and circumstance bestow
Revealing what lies beneath.
I'm a bit late due to computer issues, but, I think I have one.

Having You For Dinner

Kira knew better than to trust a complete stranger on a first date. But he was so charming that she had no choice but to accept his invitation to dinner.

"I'm honored you came," he told her. "I love having beautiful young girls for dinner."

She screamed as the man she met earlier that day turned into a scaled, red-skinned demon.

"After all," he growled, "it's only about once every millennium I'm able to."

It was nice to lie in a bed, sheets mounded over my distended belly. The gown looked ridiculous, but the bonnet was surprisingly fetching.

I picked a strand of grey hair from my canines and grinned. Wolfishly. The pack would go rabid after this one; no one ever completed Lupo's dares! 'There's a new alpha in town!' they'd all bay.

Through the window, a flash of red.

The door swung open.

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Others came keeping in the sunlight avoiding the mist and shadows, looking for the ones who came before.They could find nothing, the disappearances complete. The captain called a halt, the three of them rested near the rocks. Suddenly the rocks moved and the crew had gone. The changeling stretched "Told you they would be easier to catch in the light".
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