(Probably Found) Colonists threatened by dangerous predator


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
I am trying to find a short story I read many years ago. It was probably during the late 70s or early 80s.All I remember about it was that colonists started being attacked by an elusive but highly efficient killer. This was a shock as the only wildlife they had found on the world (it might have been an island on a mainly sea world come to think of it) had been abundant fish of one species in the rivers. The colonists hunt the killers and kill them with unforseen consequences...
Does this ring a bell? I am pretty sure it was a longish shortttttttt story rather than a novel. I read a lot of Niven, Heinlein, Clarke, Bradbury etc.
Niven and Barnes, Legacy of Heriot? Samlon turn into Grendles,? Novel, with even a sequel?

Well, just an idea.
Thanks Chris, You might be right. You definitley got the plot. I'll try to find that in my loft to confirm it's the right one.


definitely sounds right. I liked the science that went into making it plausible. They had an adrenal gland that secreted something that was remarkably similar to gasoline.
Definitely, as Chrispy says, Legacy of Heriot from the description - I re-read it myself not so long ago. Cracking story.
A vaguely similar concept was Heinlein's "Tunnel in the Sky." There weren't colonists, but rather students from a survival course who were supposed to be teleported to a far planet for a 2 week 'final exam.'
As each student is teleported to the planet they are warned 'beware of the stobor.'
A supernova along the route made it impossible for Earth to re-connect with the class for several years.
Story goes into detail on how the class forms a rudimentary civilization, only to be unexpectedly attacked by the 'stobor.'
--Paul E Musselman
