Star Trek Fun

Doesn't matter what you substitute the joke is unworkable.

Kirk: Which weighs more, a gallon of water or a gallon of butane?
Spock: That would depend on their relative densities, captain. I would first have to ascertain if the butane is under pressure...
Kirk: oh, Forget it. .... Sulu! Which weighs more, a gallon of water or a gallon of butane....?

The joke is a mockery of the standard children's riddle "what weighs more a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers."

Obviously the same volume of materials with different densities have different weights.
So the joke is that it is a lame question posing as the old lame riddle, which itself was a lame question to begin with.
Actually, the Enterprise would that Star Destroyer to pieces with its phasers .
I saw an "unpopular opinion" piece on the USS Enterprise vs Star Destroyer. Basically the opinion was that the Enterprise would tear the star cruiser apart. As I recall the basic comparison was:
Star Destroyer
1. Could get away any time (hyperspace)
2. Had tie fighters
3. Had weak lasers
4. Had very weak shields

USS Enterprise
1. Extremely quick in close combat (so fast that it could appear to be in two places at once)
2. Very strong phasers and Photon Torpedoes
3. Very strong shields (that could easily resist anything the star cruiser or fighters were shown to possess)
4. AND could teleport (transport) photon torpedoes anywhere onboard the star cruiser and rip it apart at a moments notice.

Alas, there is zero chance of a "canon" battle between the two.

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