(Probably found) Trying to recall a book


New Member
Aug 15, 2010
There was a character named Oleo, he was a big man with a horsey grin and he was a sadist. In the society of this story, peoples memories and personalities were stored on crystals so they could be ressurcted in a new body in the event of death. There were murder clubs where people could sell themselves as victims. I read this book in the early to mid Seventies. Does it sound at all familiar?
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This is Crystal Phoenix by Michael Berlyn (1980).

Summary: “In the brave new world of angels and procurers, rentadeath prostitutes will let you sexually abuse them and even hack them to pieces for a fee. In anticipation of your own death, be sure to keep up payments on your life crystal. After you die, you can enjoy life to the hilt in a very attractive new body with your memories intact. Young body, old memories. Violent death is the ultimate repeatable pleasure.”

There are murder clubs and a psychopathic killer named Oleo Johnson.

