Eat Cake Like a Pirate Day!

Teresa Edgerton

Goblin Princess
Staff member
Nov 1, 2004
Actually, Jack and Ethan's fourth birthday, but I thought some of you might enjoy pictures from their pirate birthday party. Sadly (or, depending on how you look at it, fortunately for all concerned) there are no pictures of me in my costume as a pirate wench.

The cake was made by their mother, my talented daughter Megan. As well as the treasure chest, all the coins, shells, and jewels are edible.
And here, after a mistake in the previous message, are pictures of the cake:


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And some pictures of little pirates, first Jack ...


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And now Ethan:


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I hope the pictures are all visible to everyone.

In any case, a good time was had by all. I'm still covered in temporary tattoos, and there is left-over cake in the kitchen.
Yo ho ho, me hearties!

I am so envious -- both of the cake and your daughter's talent. How on earth did she make all the shells and the starfish?

The children are adorable, too.
Thanks, Judge.

For all the edible items except the cake she used candy molds and Wilton candy melts. Also, in some cases, an edible glitter dust.

She made the costumes, too. They are so beautifully made, they look like costumes made for the stage rather than just something you would wear to a party. Of course they will be wearing them for Halloween, too. (Naturally, we already had the hats. Who doesn't have pirate hats around the house ordinarily?)
Well, that was a mistake. I'd never heard of candy melts, so I looked them up. I have instructed my other half to hide the credit cards so I can't be tempted to buy everything on the site...

I'd already noticed the exquisite costumes -- your daughter is very clever to have designed and made them as well. And Pirate Jack's hat is going right to the top of my "I want one" list. One thing surprised me, initially, though -- no cutlasses. But then I remembered your husband recreates weaponry, so doubtless swords aren't seen as playthings for the children.
Oh, there were plastic cutlasses in plenty. It just happens that none of them happened to make their way into the pictures.

My husband doesn't make real weapons -- you need a forge for that and very specialized skills. In the SCA they use rattan weapons heavily padded, so that you can feel the impact (and they can leave spectacular bruises) but no one gets seriously injured. They also use arrows with a special kind of blunts and other safety precautions. So you can get hurt but not very damaged. The armor tends to be real, however, and they have real swords that they wear for ceremonial occasions. They are kept out of reach, and are too heavy for the little boys to handle, so that isn't a worry ... yet.

But with three of the four adult boys in the house, not to mention their friends coming over to work on armor, treating fake swords as toys, it would be a bit hypocritical (and, frankly, impossible) to try and convince the little ones that they aren't.

If it will help you to control yourself, candy melts don't taste very good. They aren't awful, but there are much better ways to get your sugary calories. Much better.
Who doesn't have pirate hats around the house ordinarily?

Checks supply of hats

WWI flying helmet, solar topee, magician's top hat, several Andean knitted bonnets, lots of straw hats from all over the world, baseball caps with different manufactures' blurbs, flat cap, sun visor, tennis sweatband…

Not one pirate's, highwayman's or napoleonic headpiece! I am shamed. Not even a stetson or sombrero.

Got a tinfoil hat to screen off mind-reading aliens, though.
That cake looks brilliant! I also want one for my thirtieth! No wait... I mean uh... twenty-first obviously. Yeah.

And I have a cowboy hat, a bowler hat, a trilby, a cloche, a baker boy, a straw hat even... but no pirate! :(
That cake looks brilliant! I also want one for my thirtieth! No wait... I mean uh... twenty-first obviously. Yeah.

And I have a cowboy hat, a bowler hat, a trilby, a cloche, a baker boy, a straw hat even... but no pirate! :(

Aha. I am not alone in my hatlessness. I forgot the solar/battery powered one, with the little propellor to fan me cool (but I imagine everyone has one of those) and the yellow hard hat, either so you can see where I sank into a bog, of to give a target to drop bricks at from a high scaffolding tower.
Thank you, everyone. Yes, she does decorate cakes as part of how she makes her living, in that she teaches cake decorating classes, but not to make cakes like the ones she makes at home, because she has to follow a set course plan put together by the company.

Chris, your hats all sound admirably functional. Depending, of course, on what functions one needs to be served.

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