(Probably Found) Cannot remember title or author


New Member
Sep 8, 2010
PLEASE HELP! This was a book written somewhere between the mid-70s and mid-80s. It begins with an expedition to the moon where they discover a body in a spacesuit that is 10,000 years old. The final premis of the story is that this race of beings lived on a planet that was thrown out of its orbit and eventually collided with Earth, and they were the original inhabitants of this planet.
Ooops. Ralphr7, you posted in the wrong sub-forum. Should've posted here:

Book Search - Science Fiction Fantasy Chronicles: forums

I am sure one of the mods will be along shortly to move this thread to where is belongs.

The above being said, I don't have an answer to your query. Sounds familiar though (wasn't there a movie with this theme, starring Gary Senise??).
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This is the 'Giants' series by James P. Hogan. The first book is called "Inherit the Stars" and is about the discovery of the antiquated corpse on Luna.
