Graham Joyce


Author of 'Pennyblade' and 'Feral Space'
Oct 28, 2008
Leicester, The Las Vegas of the Midlands!
My writing group are gonna have an informal yet informative chat with master of magical realism and local legend Graham Joyce tomorrow (Approx 18.00 hrs GMT, 29th Sept). If you fellas would like me to put any questions to him, I'll happily oblige.

Whether its recorded or not I don't know, but I can always relay his answers here.
excellent. he's great fun. no questions, i'm afraid, but which writing group?
We're called The Speculators and we're seemingly Leicester's sole SF scribble coven.

We haven't all that much of an Internet presence (there is a blog but I'm damned if I know the address- what networking skills!) but we did produce a newspaper that got stuck in the gift bags at Altfiction this year. I think that's on the web too, somewhere.

The latest news is Graham will talk about his life before publication and writing generally, he may set us a task too, apparently--perhaps pulling a pen out of a stone or something...
aha! i have that paper, somewhere....

excellently put together, it was, too.
Expensive, too. We can only put one of those together when the council's coffers are brimming.

As memory serves, you're in that Sheffield writer's group aren't you? I think we have a link to you fellows on our website.
Damn J-Wo! now I am feeling just a tad envious....:(

THE Graham Joyce who wrote such classics as The Tooth Fairy and Facts of Life right?

I do not have any specific questions off the top of my head but I do hope you have a great time....:)

Thanks for bringing this to our notice and perhaps you can post a report here?
How does Joyce so seamlessly invoke the supernatural in mundane settings? Does he think about it allegorically or literally?

Why is adolescence such a fertile theme for horror writers?
FORGIVE ME!!! I'd totally forgot to put up stuff about what happened here. 'J-WO, you Spiv!' your probably, and rightly, thinking.

In the next couple o'days I'll try sticking at least something up- my notes are around somewhere. In the meantime, here's a link to my pal Daniel Ribot's blog. He was there, too, and is generally more trustworthy than myself. He tells of our encounter of the Joycean kind in his own unique fashion.

Oh, and that bit about terrifying two pensioners? Totally true. I was there. And I laughed.
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