Ethervisual Listings - not quite a short story

Toby Frost

Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2008
Excellent. This should be an appendix in SCS#4.

Incidentally, just a quick note of thanks to those running the forum, Mr Frost himself for writing three of the most exuberant books ever, and anyone else who helped it happen.

Very funny, Toby. (Liked the "With subtitles for the British." :))
Love it, espcially The Archers.

Just like some friends role-playing games I've played, where if you English you don't learn languages you just learn to shout at foreigners at different volumes.
Heh heh, very good :)
Nice to know The Archers are still going strong.

Mr. Frost. I wish to register a complaint concerning the inaccuracy of the Ethervisual Listings as noted in your edition of The Etherscope Times. As all Good Upstanding Englishwomen know, The Archers on a Sunday should comprise an omnibus edition. I hope this error will be rectified shortly.

Incidentally, I trust that the current preoccupation with the lower classes within the programming shall shortly come to an end? I am distressed to discover not one member of Our Noble Families represented within the listings. It is no wonder that Confusion and Dismay reign within the Colonies if no Duke, no, not even a Marquess, is to be seen.
When did the Second British Empire actually begin?

I suggest that it had its origin around the mid-1980's when some foreign imported TV space show was shown on the old goggle-box which had (horror) a French bloke pretending to be English with an English accent and drinking Earl Grey Tea.
There's actually a short film on Youtube about the beginning of the British Space Empire and the importance of tea to it.

Can't remember what the title is, but it was made as an on-line advert thing for God Emperor of Didcot, as far as I can tell.
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