(Probably Found) Antismoker in Asimov Mystery?


Oct 20, 2010
I am almost certain that the story I am thinking about was written by Isaac Asimov, but I have not been able to find it. I'm pretty certain it's not his "No Smoking" story about a job interviewer.

It was a mystery in which the detectives interviewed a suspect who was particularly fanatical about telling them they were not allowed to smoke in his presence. Back in the 1950s concerns like that were very VERY rare and eventually the detectives figured out that this guy had been responsible for killing his wife in a cigarette-caused fire years earlier, starting a chain of events that led up to the current murder/crime they were investigating.

Does anyone know what story this was?

Hi Cantiloper, welcome to the Chrons.

You might find it helps to repeat this thread in the 'Book Searches' forum or maybe a kind mod will move it there.
Thanks for the hint, mosaix! I can't help you myself, Cantiloper (and Welcome to the Chrons, indeed) but I have moved it to Book Search in the hope someone else can.
Thank you both for the welcome and for the help! :) I'd looked around a bit before making that post but hadn't found that thread. Ahhh welll... Feel free to delete this thread from the other area entirely if you like! And thanks again!

Michael, who once had Dan Asimov, Isaac's nephew, as a student in two-week-long nonviolence activism training program!
Thank you Redmeat! :)

I'm not sure if that's it though. The summary (about a job interviewer thing) doesn't sound at all like what I'm remembering. The story I remember explicitly had detectives uncovering a guilty suspect who had become fanatically antismoking after killing his wife in a smoking-caused fire.

It's possible however, given that I'm remembering back at least 25 years or so, that the author was NOT Asimov but was simply somehow associated with his name in some way.

Many thanks for the suggestion however!!

