(Found) Strange Necrophilia / Pain = Good novel?


Oct 20, 2010
This novel came out at least 20 to 30 years ago. I had it in white paperback, very little on the cover. I remember being amazed/repulsed by its entire concept at the time. The Necrophilia part was very weird: the society blessed the concept and gvt had three classes of corpses rated by how recently dead they were. VERY strange book. Anyone ever run across it?
Thanks for the response Jaya, but on looking at the plot over on Wiki I'm pretty sure that's not the tale I remember. The thing that stands out most strongly in my memory was the classification of corpses for sexual purposes as being Class A, Class B, C, D I think A was like very very freshly dead, B was after the corpses had been "used" for a day or two, and C and/or D involved corpses that had been moved into cold storage or frozen. As noted, it was *VERY* strange and pretty repulsive. I think I was reading it on a train on my way to visit my family in New York and I threw it out in the trains station to avoid any chance of my family ever even SEEING it! LOL!

I don't know why I mixed it up, but the story I meant was 'Tell Me All About Yourself' by FM Busby. Some sort of sailor on shore leave goes to a necro-bordello where corpses are graded by freshness. He falls in love with a corpse and makes away with it to a boat which I think he blows up in the bay, realising she can never tell him all about herself.
Jaya, I think you may have it! :) I looked around a bit at covers for it and found two. Neither is what I remember, although one of them is a pretty weird white one and the other at

fantasticfiction dot co dot uk (I can't post links yet here cuz I'se a noobie!)

is *SO* weird for back in 1973 that my little uptight Catholic-school brain might very well have substituted a plain white cover for it. Heh... I can certainly see why I might have been concerned about my parents seeing it! LOL!

I will have to check out my local bookstore and/or order a copy to be sure, but the story synopsis certainly sounds right, and the weird cover, although different from my memory, could certainly fit!

Thank you! I'll let you know when I actually pin it down!


A bit of googling and I turned it up in a different anthology: The Best Science Fiction of the Year #3, edited by Terry Carr.

Heh... when you walk into my house the first room is my library: roughly 5,000 books of genres ranging from sci-fi through fantasy, horror, peace activism, international relations, various new-agey political concerns, smoking-related medical research, and various other things. And sure enough, I had several volumes of BSFY including #3.

It was indeed just a short story, only about 8 pages long, but I guess the absolute weirdness of the concept was what freaked me out and stuck in my head. I don't know if that was the original source where I read it as I still have that strange memory of the other cover, but that's definitely the story: I even remembered where it was going as soon as I started re-reading it: not bad for something I probably read over 35 years ago!

Thank you Jaya!

