(Found) Super fast beings killing slow lumbering human colonists


New Member
Oct 23, 2010
Read this some years ago and can't for the life of me remember title or author.

The plot consisted of an incredibly aggressive alien stalking a human colonisation group on an alien planet. Alternating chapters seen from the point of view of the alien and the colonists. The alien had a super fast metabolism and was able to pick off the colonists and their cattle at lightning speed. The colonists food source consisted of a fishlike creature which they named salmon or samon.

I remember this being a cracking read and would dearly love to read again.

Any help in identifying would be most appreciated.

Sorry folks just found the answer in your book search forum.

Niven,Barnes and Pournelle
The Legacy of Heorot"

Thanks to Chrispenycate.

Damn it was on the first page too. (cowers into the corner)

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There were a couple of Heorot books, IIRC, and they became increasingly depressing. One featured a punch-up on top of a dirigible...

All something to do with genetic & social experiments gone wrong: Entire colony was a test-bed...
