November 2010 Writing Challenge -- KARN WINS!!!

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Ziggy Wigwag
Staff member
Oct 13, 2008
West Sussex, UK

Write a story inspired by the chosen theme in no more than 75 words
The title is not part of the word count -- or the story
It should be a story, not simply description
It can be prose or poetry

One entry per person

All stories Copyright 2010 by their respective authors, who grant the Chronicles Network the non-exclusive right to publish them here.​

Contest ends at 11:59 pm GMT, November 23 2010
Voting Ends at 11:59 pm GMT, November 28 2010
(November 30, in the event of a tie-breaker poll)

You do not have to submit a story in order to vote -- in fact, we encourage all Chrons members to take part in choosing a winner

The Magnificent Prize:

The Dignified Congratulations/Grovelling Admiration of Your Peers
and the privilege of choosing next month's theme or genre

This month's theme is:


Stories must be Science Fiction or Fantasy

Happy writing!
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Homeward Bound

Coming off the star they ignited the radio fuse.

Twelve seconds….


An explosion, pieces of the star overtook them and burnt out headed for home.

They had been out of contact with control for 10 hours, now within hailing distance and sure that everything had gone well they turned on the receivers.


They tried again to no avail….

Suddenly the monitors switched on and facing them was something different, Home, but not quite….
From The Other Side

“It’s the only way, John!” Sandra exclaimed.

John lit the candles and turned the lights out. “Somehow I don’t think it is, Sandra.”

“By the power of this book, I summon thee to us, Baal!” the couple chanted until a voice roared and a flaming spirit appeared.


Sandra took a deep breath, shaking, and in a whispered voice, asked, “Do you know where my shoes are?”
My first ever attempt at this particular contest:

Trouble on Attica Station

Somebody pounded from the other side of the hatch. My heart raced. I squirmed in the narrow compartment. Only one way led out; through that hatch.

"I'm releasing the vacuum seal," a voice called through my com-badge.

My face reddened as the hatch opened, releasing me from the loo. Four hours; I'd missed half my shift. Maintenance staff jeered me on my walk of shame. I spent the next week avoiding all non-work contact.
Lost In Translation

Two hours after entering seemingly endless thick cloud , and now dangerously low on fuel, the Cessna crew glanced nervously at one another; descending was risky when your instrument panel has gone haywire and all radio contact lost; but what other choice did they have?

Relief was palpable as almost immeadiatley the cloud dissipated and JFK came into view ; relief turned to puzzlement as the radio crackled back into life.

"Unbekannt flugzeuge dies ist Flughafen Goering...."
Tesla Ray

At last my Tesla ray is complete. It took a considerable amount of work to increase the voltage to 20 000, but then I realised, the ******* has such a small and blackened heart I had better increase it further... Cut my funding, my research will save mankind!

He prepares to give his speech, I position my ray.



Curses... I forgot to make contact between the polarity reversed neutron flows.

'Come to me...'

The reports had warned of an abnormality with the rivers on this world, but the voice had fascinated him. He could feel its' presence hiding just beneath the surface, and it called to him. Those whispering tones, so quiet, sang to his soul, drawing him in.

Leaning forward, he gently touched the water, and the song erupted around him. Spectral fingers closed around his hand, and he sank into its' embrace.
Door to Handy Tot

She was the first of her kind to travel in this way. One of a small sentient species accompanied her. It had been a whirlwind journey. But orbit had been established, and descent just about maintained. With a shuddering crash and a small squeal, the craft landed.

She climbed from the restraints, and opened the main door. She'd never encountered a race like this before. They were singing. "Ding, dong, the wicked witch is dead!"
I've only just registered, and this looks like an interesting challenge. So since this is my first time, go easy...

It had been so many lonely years since she had breathed clean air, or seen the moonlight.
She emerged from the rubble and stared in amazement at the starlit sky; it looked the same as ever.
After all these years it felt as though the world should have changed beyond all recognition: up should have become down; black should have become white.
She closed her eyes and called silently to her brethren: I am free!
Demon Guest

Possession is so easy these days,used to be they brought in men of god to deal with us now we are treated as an illness and our host pumped full of drugs making it easier for us to control them. What was that? something is reaching past the darkness reaching my host's mind. NO, they are expelling me. Fleeing I now know why we never target twins.

The Creator

You gave me myriad names, myriad faces. I am manifold—a race of interconnected minds. I span the universe; I created the universe.

I am the relucent Life and the aphotic Death.

You see me as your saviour, but who am I to save you? In sempiternity, time means nothing. I am beyond comprehension. Your simplistic lives lent only a fleeting enthusiasm.

Tell me, if I walked among you, would you hail me—or cower?
White Crow

"I saw a crow, white as snow!"
"Impossible," she said.
Said he, "Not so!"
"Crows are black, you foolish boy," she said, "There's ne'er been a crow that was white."
"I know a crow when I see it," said he, "I saw it last night..."
"'er been a crow that was white," she said.
Said he, "...then it cawed and said Follow, spread wings and flashed bright..."
"Impossible I said. Only a dream. Nothing more."

The Beginning of the End?

I am the lethal virus.

I ride his body just as he rides the star ship returning across the void between the stars and Earth.

Both isolated and alone in something so much bigger than either of us.
All man wants is to expand; all I want is to expand my sickness through man.

And all I need....

The ship splashes down, the door opens, a hand extends in greeting, he reaches out and...!
A new beginning

So dark; and what’s that awful smell?

I’ve got to get out of here.

It’s all wet and slippery, can’t get a grip.

Need to push; harder; it’s no good the walls are all rubbery.

Maybe if I…

Oh, that’s not working.

Nothing for it, I’ll have to use my teeth.

Ugh that tastes foul, but, I, have, to, get, out.

Ha hah, that’s got it.

Aaaargh! Bright lights?

Aaaargh! What’s John Hurt doing there?
The Undeath of Johnny Cross, P.I.

She said to meet in the bad part of town. I laughed. I lived here years, and I seen nothin' but bad.

The bar was The Dive, by name, by nature; the kinda place a man can get his mojo on discretely. Fairies. Vamps. Mergirls. Whatever.

I slid into her booth. The bird was still gorgeous.

'Johnny. Got a proposition for ya.'

It was madness, suicide.

I was hooked.

Sirens. Just can't tell 'em no.
Catastrophicus Caninus

Wally opened the door. Two many-tentacled Alien beings stood there.

"Hello." one said, "Your name was selected randomly, from all the sentient beings in the known universe. You have won - "


"Let's try next door."

"Alright... what is that furry animal doing?"

"I don't know. It - AhhhHH!!"

"No!!- Don't use the Fribbulator in this atmosphere!! The chain reaction will-

And that's how the doggone world ended.
My left-field suggestion.


‘I know you are thinking about Michael.’

She frowned, and then laughed, handing him some squash.

‘No, I really know what you’re thinking. I’ve always known, Mum. I don’t like it.’

‘Drink your squash, there’s a dear,’ she said, taking a sharp intake of breath.

‘Dad doesn’t know, does he?’

‘Read your comic, Tommy, there’s a love.’

‘When are you leaving us, Mum?’


‘I can hear you thinking, Mum, so please, please don’t lie.’
Never Trust an Exosociologist

The captain sighed. It was time for first contact with the humans. They had watched and waited. Their orders were clear. They were to make a peaceable contact. However, the order from the exosociologist-in-charge made her very uneasy.

With great reservations she pushed "start." Her ship started spinning, lights started flashing, and the speakers started blasting out the musical message. “Why can’t we be friends...” She feared she knew why the group was called “War.”

At dusk he again left the village, his scornful tribe, and headed into the desert. He lay on the warm stone and gazed at the night sky, at the fixed star.

None knew why it didn’t move. None wondered, but him.

He stared up, and felt watched, and felt the vast presence and pressure of Time.

The other stars passed his star, and he had the waking dream of another world destroyed.
Waiting For Contact

He was a wonderful lover. She’d wait, listen for his step, watch the door handle hoping it would turn, yearning for his delicate touch.

But the loneliness of deep space, waiting for a signal, made him a violent husband. She’d wait, listen for his step, watch the door handle hoping it wouldn’t turn, fearing his harsh touch.

Now she waits, listens for his step, watches the door handle, electrodes attached, hoping his touch is firm.
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