(Probably Found) Searching for book title


New Member
Dec 3, 2010
Hi, I hope someone can help me. I'm trying to remember the name of a science fiction book (short story or novella, I think). I read it about 25 years ago, so it's not something new.

It was about a future world where city people and country people had been separated for a long time, with folks sort of entrenched in the cities. One city guy decides he want to sell things to the country people. He bravely leaves the city and tries to survive in the country (they eat things that come out of dirt! ugh!). He can't end up selling them anything, because the country people can grow better items than he has for sale. Finally he tries to sell them a vehicle, and he offers to race his vehicle against their fastest animal. He wins the race, but they still aren't impressed because the horse was almost as fast, and it drops two foals a year.

Can anyone remember the name or author of this story?
The story you are looking for is called "Masters of Evolution" by Damon Knight. The only copy I have seen is Ace double book (D-375) with "Masters" on one side and "Fire in the Heavens" by George OSmith on the other.

