Pete Postlethwaite


None The Wiser
Jul 24, 2003
Has died of cancer.
The world has lost one of the finest actors of his generation.

One of the best character actors of the last thirty years, he had that knack of being himself in every part he played, without making every part into Pete Postlethwaite.

Brassed Off was instrumental (hah!) in my return to playing in a brass band after forty years, and we play this, so in personal tribute:

A very sad loss indeed, with a few genre credits to his name as well, most recently Clash of the Titans and Soloman Kane and, of course, Alien3.
Devastating news to hear first thing this morning. One quote I keep seeing around the place is from Steven Spielberg, calling him the best actor in the world. He definitely had to be close. Rest in peace, Pete.
Yeh I heard about this last night I think. He was a fine actor, particularly in one of my favourite films of the 90s, In The Name Of The Father.

I loved him as Obadiah Hakeswill in sharp, and it shows his amazing ability to act when he can go from such a nasty bit of work like that to acting in 'Lost for words' which had a tear rolling down my cheek (the bit when he took her for an ice cream) were a great man.
Amazing actor and he will be much missed, his body of work is amazing. I was always watching to see where he would pop up next :)
Pete Postlethwaite was an excellent actor that I will miss, he is in two of my favorite movies that I like to watch often, Split Second & Alien 3.
In the irritating world of 'celebrity' he stood out as a genuinely likeable person without any pretensions - and there aren't many you can say that about.
He's one of those actors that I always sort of took for granted; whenever he appeared in a film he handled his characters seemingly effortlessly; naturally.

It seemed to me he never received much credit for how his presence elevated films, even when he was not the focus. I also saw The Town recently and, again, he added that extra bit to a movie in just a few short scenes.

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