Years ago, probably late 70's early 80's I read a memorable Sci Fi novel and for the life of me I can't remember the title. Plot goes along the lines of:
Small spacecraft dispatched from earth to nearest potentially habitable star with a crew of hand picked genius'. On route, one dies and becomes a 'ghost'. Mental capacity of crew becoms enhanced through prolonged isolation and they invent a near light speed drive. On arrival at destination they fire off an 'inertia' type projectile to destroy earth.
Then my mind goes blank wrt plot. Vaguely recall it being published by Golancz. Please can somebody help me out with this 'cause it's driving me to distraction and I'd dearly like to reaquaint myself.
Small spacecraft dispatched from earth to nearest potentially habitable star with a crew of hand picked genius'. On route, one dies and becomes a 'ghost'. Mental capacity of crew becoms enhanced through prolonged isolation and they invent a near light speed drive. On arrival at destination they fire off an 'inertia' type projectile to destroy earth.
Then my mind goes blank wrt plot. Vaguely recall it being published by Golancz. Please can somebody help me out with this 'cause it's driving me to distraction and I'd dearly like to reaquaint myself.