Alright, This is what I got for a plot outline tell me what you think


Jan 3, 2011
Feral Element Plot

World: The inhabitants of the world are antromorphic. The landscape is divided into geological sections, in each section there lays a State/Country that derives its name based on the geological futures with the exception of the State of Light and Shadow. There are natural ground such that inhabits all weather different weather. Supernatural forces such as Demons and later angles exist, the main character Leiconus is half demon. There are special powers that certain individuals have that allow them to write out symbols on just about any surface, and control the elements (Fire, Water, Air, Lightning, Earth, Light, Shadow) to use offensively and defensively.

Book 1

Story Goal
1. Main Character Finds out who set him up for a crime he did not commit.
2. Main Character wants revenge on those who set him up.
3. He wants revenge because he is innocent
4. Along the way he joins an organization that captures him and makes him work for them using blackmail
5.Other Main characters find out that Leiconus is half-demon

Characters and how they are involved.
1. Serena, Jeral, Carter, Belinda, Tank, Murdock, and Henry help him out because they work with him. They all meet up with him after he is caught committing a crime.
2. Serena is the romantic interest, eventually has a child with Leiconus
3. Jeral is Serena’s brother, dislikes Leiconus he maintains a grudging rivalry.
4. Carter is one of the first characters besides Tank and Murdock that befriend Leiconus.
5. Belinda is the field medic, also a romantic interest to Carter.
6. Tank and Murdock become great friends with Leiconus, The two are also close friends with each other
7. Henry is Leiconus’ superior, guides him on his adventure


The consequence of Leiconus not finding out who framed him is that he goes to jail for a very long time. Also he has to help FEDA anyways, as a part of his punishment.


Leiconus Joins FEDA, an organization dedicated to fighting supernatural beings and fighting crime. He uses the new authority to track down the people who framed him. He has to go through basic training.


Leiconus is able to find the people who framed him but is unable to capture them. When he does he comes to find out the people they were working for has much bigger plans for him. He destroys plenty of buildings and houses in fights with the people who set him up.


The cost of finding Leiconus’ framers comes at the cost of major physical and emotional pain, He also sacrifices the life he had before joining FEDA. During a battle with one of the people who framed him he destroys buildings and almost kills a few people.


He gains a child later on. And a better life. He also gets pardoned for almost every minor crime he committed before joining FEDA. Leiconus gains the trust of his co-workers.
In order to join FEDA first, The agents have to find him. However when they do he is in the middle of committing a minor crime, after a chase he is locked up. During this the Agencies Chief (Henry) releases him for reasons unknown to the rest of the group at the time. After which he has to go thought FEDAs basic training, go on some missions and patrols with the other members, primarily Serena and Jeral.


Most of the main characters are weary of Leiconus, believing he is no more that a common thief/criminal. His actions and dialogue does not help this. They only go along with him because they are forced to. Leiconus also begins to gain the trust of the agents, only to lose it along the way and gain it back in the end.

Plot Summary:
A male anthromorphic ocelot criminal in his early-mid 20s has been going nowhere in life, But his worlds is turned upside down when he is captured by the new elemental agency called F.E.D.A(consequence), and is convicted of a major crime he did not commit. The man now has to help out this new organization after being cut a deal with the head of the agency. So he goes through basic training(requirement) and hunt down the people who set him up(goal). Along the way he has to help his new fellow agents stop crimes, they and him both get physically hurt(cost).This makes them trust him more and they begin to open up about their past and vice versa(dividend). He eventually finds out who is trying to frame him and has a battle with them but losses, and destroys buildings and almost cost some innocent people their lives(forewarnings). Because of this the other member of the agency lose trust that they he has gained working with them (Preconditions/cost). After working with Carter and Jeral privately, Leiconus is able to put an end to the people who set him up. Only to find out that their plan is much much larger than he had originally thought it to be.

Last time I posted the plot it was vague but this give far more info into the plot and characters.
I am somewhat curious as to whether or not I should include the main characters childhood, as it plays the biggest role in what he does and why he does them, or should I simple revile that as the story continues.

Hint:If all goes well I plan on this being a series.

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