(Partly Found) Three Sci-Fi books search - "A genetically programmed bull"; Earth invoiced for knowledge; Database


Feb 8, 2011
Hello everyone,

I am searching for 3 older scifi paperback books.

for both i remember the plot outline but nothing elese.

book 1
- A alien is raised on earth not knowing he is a alien
- He goes to the alien race on a good will mission
- He brings with him genetically pre programmed bull for a bull fighting exibition.
- he learns that he is a alien anf reclaims his heritige at the end of the book.

book 2
- the main plot of the book or short story revolves aroud the idea that the earth has had contact with a galactic counsil that has given the earth access to the galactic database of knowledge.
- the earth will be billed for using this knowledge and now has to get out of the det

Book 3.
- The main character male has been working as a imput specialist on a world wide project to include everyones information into a complete database of everyone and the project manager give the character the option of not imputting his data into the system and so staying out side the system.

Any followup questions or answers can be published here.
Book 2 sounds a little like something from John Varley's Eight Worlds series -- the set up for his novel The Ophiuchi Hotline.

Book 3 reminds me of something by John Brunner (and maybe of something else by Alfred Bester) but I can't pin down exactly what...

Good luck in any case, and welcome to the Chrons! :)
Could the third one be Michaelmass by Algis Budrys? I don't think the Varley link holds (in that the data is, in a way, its own price); check (possibly) the Brin uplift books, but not over optimistic.
Thank you for the help.

I will look into book 2 and 3 information and see if anything stimulates my memory.
Ok the varley books are a bust sorry.
The idea is that the human civilasation is well and good and that the aliens have opened there galactic liblary openly and seemingly for free to humanity.
and that hidden somewhere is the bill for all this downloading of knowledge.
also i remember that the book stated that just the index for the liblary would bee too big to download in it entirety
the Michaelmass by Algis Budrys reads as a great book but is not the specific book i am looking for.
the Michaelmass by Algis Budrys reads as a great book but is not the specific book i am looking for.

No, sadly I didn't think it would be. A particular favourite of mine, the book's more about a man who is apparently a mere reporter but in truth controls the world's media (and much else besides) courtesy of a super computer than anyone given the chance of stepping outside the system.

I've definitely read 3, and still incline towards something by Brunner (though the spectre of Bester won't entirely go away), Of course, it could be neither.
Also i remembered more about book 3.

The main character uses his data not being in the system to his advantage as a freelancer trouble shooter if i remember correctly.

He also goes to the northern relay station to input differect identeties for himselt into the system.

I also rememberred that for book 1 the races of mand and the other race are existing in decent harmony. the aliens having a robot that only listens to commands from the alien races elite. This power of the robot is demonstrated in the end of the book when the main character has been accused of ?? against the alien race and he defends that this is inpossible as he is actually one of these aliens and he commands the robot to destroy the clouds. the robot then destroys to courtroom wall and destroys the clowds so demonstraiting that he is infact one of the elite alien race

Hope this helps in narrowing the field with book n.1
Could book 2 be *The Survival Game* by Colin Kapp? It has a Galactic Library and a Consul ...
Sorry to say that "The survival Game" is not the book i am looking for.

I will be stopping this thread and creating seperate threads for the 2 books still unknown so that they are easier to find.

Thank you all for your help with the Wolfling Book

Thank you all very much
The Galactic library and the hidden bill

This 2nd story revolves the idea that the earth has had contact with a galactic counsil that has given the earth access to the galactic database of knowledge.

This database covers every aspect of advancement humanity could possible want and seemingly completely for free one just has to ask

Also the ammount of available knowlegde is so large that even if humanity wanted to just read the whole index the downloading and reading would take years.

The story main plot is that the earth will be billed for using this knowledge and now has to get out of paying the bill.

The story is more polical intreage and plotting that hardcore action.
It isn't book 3, but "Shockwave Rider" (by John Brunner) involved a global database system...
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2nd Might be Ophiuchi Hotline by John Varley. Earth has been taken over by very advanced aliens from gas giant planets and is pretty much off limits. Humanity now lives on many other moons/planets in the solar system all the way out to Pluto. Pluto receives signals that appear they are coming from Ophiuchi. These signals are mined for data that help humanity survive. Then at the end the of the book payment is due.
Thank you for you input unfortunately after reading the plot summary i cannot recognize the book at all. So i am again in the dark. but thank you for your persistance in trying to find my book.
