The Mighty ebook Fantasy and Sci-fi thread


Searching for a flower
Aug 22, 2007
Hunting in the woods
Ok so I did see we have a thread debating the merits and pitfalls of the ebook reader and the whole concept of ebooks (right here: for all interested :)). However dispite several of us admitting to owning one of the (possibly sinful) digital book readers I didn't notice any thread discussing ebooks themselves.

So without further ado (unless its already been done and a latenight wolf has missed it) here is a thread for talking about the proper ebooks. Both resources for purchasing/finding ebooks and also recommendations of good books to read within those archives. This last part I add simply because many of these archives, especially those storing older books, are not best suited to those after a new read, but more toward those who already know book title and author.

So lets get re-acquainted with some old classics; discover some new (and not so new) wonders and also share in what we're reading:

For starters here are some free archives where you can get hold of many ebooks (in various formats) legally for free:

Amazon classics free ebooks: Kindle Popular Classics: Kindle Store

Internet Archive: Free Books : Download & Streaming : Ebook and Texts Archive : Internet Archive

Open Library Welcome to Open Library! (Open Library)

Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg - free ebooks online download for iPad, Kindle, Nook, Android, iPhone, iPod Touch, Sony Reader
And the OZ version (which has a great many of Robert E. Howards writings)
Project Gutenberg Australia - Ad-free eBooks for your iPad, smartphone, or eBook reader

There is also calibre - Download calibre
Which is a great application for converting regular text, PDF and ebook formats into other forms as well as formatting them and adding/removing content. It will also sync with some e-readers (eg the Kindle) to allow you quick access to uploading your adjusted books to the reader.
I understand why some of the classics have been offered for free because many of them have fallen out of copyright, but why are these other books free? It makes me nervous.
So... quick question: is this thread meant for those looking to read ebooks or those looking to publish to ebooks?
So... quick question: is this thread meant for those looking to read ebooks or those looking to publish to ebooks?

This thread is certainly for those reading ebooks - either looking for sites and archives or specific titles and recommendations. The other thread I link to in the first post is a more overall discussion about ebooks and peoples attitude to them. I think if you want to get into ebook publishing you will want to start your own thread on the matter.
The Bean free library Baen Free Library includes free eBooks from many of their authors - usually the first book in a series.

I respect Baen enormously for their approcah to eBooks (even if you buy eBooks from them they are not DRM secured). And that is why I would like to stress the philosophy behind the Baen free libraryand their CD's with loads more free eBooks on them. The intention is to give you a full taster (not just a chapter or two) but if you like the free book you should really go on to buy it and give the author his/her due. The whole thing about the Baen approach is that they have chosen to trust the average shopper rather than treat everyone like they are out to steal as much as they can. Of course some will still rip them off but those people would always find a way to do it even if the books were not offered free in the first place.

Following that comment and philosophy here's another link where you can download the CDs of free Baen books that they include in many of their hard copy books and also for the nervous the comment on that site about permissions from Baen. BaenCD at the Fifth Imperium

This site is not associated with Baen Publishing Enterprises. Well… 'not associated' in the sense that they don't run this site or support it in any way, shape or form beyond the fact that they've given permission for their CDs to be freely distributed by interested third parties....

For the small minority of people who still seem to think that this site is blatantly trampling upon multiple copyrights and don't believe what's in the linked CD Orientation, feel free to visit the Baen Publishing Enterprises web site and drop a dime on me. They have a lively web forum and you can speak directly to the publisher and webmaster in several conferences. Just be prepared to be roundly mocked after complaining about this site.

Baen knows all about this site, to the point where the publisher has my phone number and she's not afraid to use it.

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