(Found) Book about village Dragon and kids


New Member
Feb 21, 2011
Can anyone help me find the name of this book described below. Thank you.

In this book there are three kids and their father who take care of the village dragon. shortly into it there uncle poisons and kills the dragon and tries to steal its eggs and treasure. at this point all the eggs break except two on the is black and one that is blue spotted and soft if i remember correctly. the three kids grab the blue spotted egg and run out the back of the cave and escape through a door once out a large boulder falls down blocking door. they are not on the other side of the mountain and try to follow a river back through mountain to get to the village to tell every one what their uncle has done.
I know I've read this! Children of the Dragon, by Rose Estes comes to mind.

Does this look right?

"It's about three children trying to save a dragon's egg. The dragon had been the protector of the city that the children lived in, and the people would pay taxes of gold (for its hoard) and the Dragonmaster (who is also the 3 kids father) would care for and handle it. But then one day the dragon laid eggs, and the citizens were furious about the raise in taxes that would mean. They went up to its cave, killing the dragon and smashing its eggs... except for one.

The three kids (two boys and a girl) grabbed a small blue egg during the attack,and escaped through a tunnel with it that led deep into the mountains full of tunnels and monsters, where most of the story takes place.

There's also the question of who will be the new Dragonmaster when the egg hatches. the oldest feels it should be him because he is the oldest and male, the girl thinks it's about time they had a female dragonmaster, and the youngest just wishes they'd stop fighting. "

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