Considering changing the ending (opinions)


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
County Durham
So I have been thinking long and hard (giggity) about this. I am tempted to change my ending.
I will state that I AM happy with my ending and it rounds off the book alright, but something niggles me. I am worried that it is an anti climax.

Basically after Anthorn and Nikita escape the Guardians, the Commander decides not to capture them right away, decides to let them lead him to the resistance. Now the original ending called for the Guardians to erradicate the resistance and the main characters only being saved by the interference of a second army. Book ends with one character trying to get recruits to begin the last phase of a plan.

Does that sound like an anti climax? Part of me thinks yes, another part thinks it's a change from the usual resistance storylines to have it obliterated straight away.

The change would consist of them being taken back to Caraksand to face a trial, only to have them caught up in the New Empire Arc as the city comes under attack to end the book. The second army would then have to wait until book 2

What do you think?
I would leave as if they were eradicated and have like some epic little cliff hanger at the end like...
Anthorn or Nikita seeing some blurred shapes coming to help towrds them and have her/him think to themselfs are they frindly.

Sorry if it's rushed I gotta go cook.
I think its gripping. Resistance crushed straight away before it even has a chance to blossom.

Plus, if you write it right, you could secure it as a strong stand-alone, that can be read as part of the series (dont leave it as some huge cliffhanger. End a plot thread and leave enough of a cliffhanger to leave your audience wanting more).

Just my own personal opinion as a reader.
It's really hard to judge without reading the execution, but the way you describe it, the ending sounds not too exciting. Then again I might be wrong, and as I said, it's really hard to judge cause we haven't read it.
I`ve changed my ending countless times, mostly because I only wanted it to be one book. After pulling my hair in frustration for a few months, I canged it back to the original and started writing book 2...
I guess I`m just as bad at book endings as ending novellas. Its all a neverending story in my head. Hope you have better luck :)
