Daily Science Fiction

Anne Martin

bathed in subliminal luminosity
Mar 30, 2011
Does anyone here subscribe to Daily Science Fiction (dailysciencefiction.com)? I do, but I find it difficult to keep up, and as one would suspect, the quality is variable.

For those who don't know, DSF emails you a SF/Fantasy story every day (at 9 am in the UK). The stories range in length from a few hundred words to a few thousand. I rarely have time to read the longer ones, which is why I am 44 days behind. There is also a Facebook page to discuss each story if you are so inclined. I've never gotten involved with that.

Has anyone submitted work to them or been published by them? I've sent a few things in with no luck. They even pay ($.08 pw), which would be novel for me. (All my publications have "paid" me with a free copy of the magazine.)
Yes, I do subscribe; no, I don't even attempt to keep up, I simply don't have the time. I now tend to read them only when the author is someone familiar to me -- Cat Rambo, Lavie Tidhar etc.

Yes, I did submit one piece, which was very graciously declined with an invite to submit again. Unfortunately, due to novel-writing and editorial commitments, my short story output has dropped to around one a year, so I haven't sent them anything since.
I actually subscribed to them a few days ago after seeing this thread. I haven't submitted anything, but I'm about halfway through a short story I plan to send about, so they will definitely be one I try.
Take some time and read through what they publish over a few weeks or a month. I have yet to figure out an identity of what the editor likes. Short, certainly, but sometimes I wouldn't class what they publish as SFF.

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