(Found) Teens on space ship carrying DNA to repopulate earth


New Member
Jun 5, 2011
Looking for a trilogy I read in the 90's which was teens on a spaceship which was carrying the DNA of all living things to repopulate earth. Starts with a boy in modern day times at school and then he wakes up on a ship. We find out his dreams are of his gene doners past life. Ummm the showers called a 'lick' most of their names are monosybollic, they find another ship like theirs but the occupants have gone crazy... In one book they get attacked by creatures trying to enter the ship.
It was turned into a programme on the channel 5 milkshake show for a short while.
I think it's called something like deep black...Or something like that!!

Anyway been looking for years so if anyone points me in the right direction ill be the most grateful person ever!!!

Thanks all :)
Thank you so much, that's made my weekend!! You don't know how long I've been looking for those books!! :) x
