Recommendation please


Ziggy Wigwag
Staff member
Oct 13, 2008
West Sussex, UK
I've just finished Gridlinked: an enjoyable enough diversion, but it didn't really motivate me to read another Asher book except for the stuff with Dragon, which I thought genuinely and intriguingly alien. Are there any Neal Asher books that have less of the "James Bond in Space" and more of that kind of weirdness? (I don't mind reading books out of sequence.)
As the Cormac series progresses Drgaon features more and more and, on the whole, I think gets better for that. You may well enjoy the second Cormac book; Line of Polity. He seems to have toned down the James Bond'ness (I do sympathise it was one of my complaints about Gridlinked) and there are plenty of weird creatures, from Hooders to Gabbleducks. Alternatively you might like to look at his Spatterjay books; same universe, no Cormac and again plenty of weirdness ;)

Actually thinking about it, if you didn't really get on with Cormac, then I think you would probably be best looking at those Spatterjay book. They are a completely different story arc to the Cormac books though in the same universe.
I'd second the Spatterjay books. I've recently finished the series and i have to say that i enjoyed them very much.

I'm currently reading the Technician which is also very enjoyable so far, although i do take a while to get used to the new narrative when it jumps time frames.

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