Looking for audiobooks of Bob Shaw


New Member
Jun 25, 2011
I have been a fan of Bob Shaw since the late 70s and I think I may have read all of his books.

I have recently started to enjoy audiobooks and would like to listen to some of Bob Shaw's books. The only things I have found are "The Ceres Solution" and a radio drama of "Who Goes Here?"

Does anybody know if any other of his books have been recorded and if they are available? I'm surprised I can't find the Oribitsville or Ragged Astronauts series.

I think there may have been some audio book readings of sf anthologies and some of Shaw's stories have been included in those - I know for certain The Light of Other Days was in an Asimov themed audiobook called, Here Today Gone Tomorrow.

I agree it would be marvellous to have readings of Orbitsville and The Ragged Astronauts.
Ha! May I pick up on your knowledge & expertise of Bob Shaws' stories, to ask your help in identifying a tale that I read way back but cannot now identify?

I think that it was written by BS and also recollect the title as something like RIDGE RUNNER PROJECT. I cannot, of course, now locate such a story by him!

I essence, the story centred around a group of ET survivors in human form, who lived across many human lifespans and whose experiences we read, as they live thru events such as the Lisbon earthquake etc. Their need is for something like 'heavy water', as used in nuclear activites and they draw together around the Ridge Runner project in latter-day Tennessee (all my distant recollections!)

Does any of this ring any bell, please?

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