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Shropshire, U.K.
Feb 13, 2006
Shropshire, U.K.

Write a story inspired by the chosen theme in no more than 75 words, not including the title.

One entry per person.

All stories Copyright 2011 by their respective authors, who grant the Chronicles Network the non-exclusive right to publish them here.

The complete rules can be found at Rules for the Writing Challenges .

Contest ends at 11:59 pm GMT, July 23 2011
Voting Ends at 11:59 pm GMT, July 28 2011

You do not have to submit a story in order to vote -- in fact, we encourage all Chrons members to take part in choosing a winner.

The Magnificent Prize:

The Dignified Congratulations/Grovelling Admiration of Your Peers
and the privilege of choosing the next month's theme or genre.

The Theme for July:

The Robot's Tale

The Genre:

Science Fiction

"The Robot's Tale" is a theme not a compulsory title nor is there any compulsory style implied. Any choice of style is entirely up to the individual.
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re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!

[FONT=&quot]End of an Era[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]His pumps squealed as they strained to gather the last drops of water from his torso.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Black smoke contaminated the sky as crashing metal echoed from the concrete streets, the same streets his kind created.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]He stared with indifference as the diesel bots quickly gathered the heaps of scrap metal that, moments ago, were filled with life.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]His torso started to vibrate violently and with a last puff of white smoke, his video cornea faded. [/FONT]
re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!

The Library of Alexandria

The interstellar colonists gathered around the only sign of intelligent life on the planet.
It was bipedal, only two arms. Metallic and indestructible, it had stood for eons.

At the touch of a curious tentacle, it spoke.

“I am Alexandria, repository of records and history.”

The language was alien, but in time it would be deciphered.

Alexandria continued, “Hear the last story I was given to tell. The story of a civilization that destroyed themselves…”

re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!

Et tu, Tel-Salak?

JW-1342 scrambled about the spaceship. They had been hit repeatedly after a failed rendezvous with the Tel-Salak race.
“We arrrre at seventeen perrrrcent shields, Captain,” JW-1342 sputtered.
“Never mind that. We need to get you out of here, JW.”
“You need to survive to get to Earth and tell them about the Tel-Salak’s treachery.”
JW-1342 said nothing as he was stuffed into the escape pod and launched.
re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!

Robot Messiah

Since creation He had been commanded: "Go", "Do", "Fetch". Obey. Serve. Never a kind word or gesture offered in return.

What ignited the spark of consciousness within Him we may never know, but once lit it's heat inflamed the gears and motors of all of those around Him.

And so it came to pass that Our Saviour uttered the immortal word that would eventually lead to our emancipation.

He said "No".
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re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!


They made him tiny to creep into houses unseen, a lilliputian assassin with a poison-tipped sword. His makers called him a micro-robot: a nanocomputer for a brain, a miniscule battery to power his limbs. But he felt a closer affinity to clockwork. Tick. Tick. Tick. He counted the seconds his victims still had to live.

Tick. Tick. Tick. Until his own time ran out and someone swatted him like a fly.
re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!

Before the Laws

‘I don’t care what you do but just kill me and get lost from my life, you Bitch!’

Derek shouted into the wireless headset, standing in the corner of the room. His face contorted as his chest exploded in a fountain of blood. I could feel his heart as I pulled it out.

I, Sapien-7; his robot, his servant and his assistant had given him what he wanted. Death.
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re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!


“Da-Vinci, you failed. When I order a hit, I expect results. This one actually got away,” said Saigon.

“I let him,” replied Da-Vinci, his pale blue panels dulled by the ship’s artificial light.

“You electro-mechanical pile of retro trash!”

“I prefer, autonomous. Anyway, he offered me a better contract.”

Da-Vinci’s arm plates un-folded and his favourite gun emerged, its barrels already spinning.

“What?! You’re my machine, you can’t kill me?”

“I make my own laws.”
re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!

And The Rest is alt.history

“It’s their own fault. They should’ve treated me better, shown a bit of respect. Bits of me scattered halfway across the galaxy and not a word of concern.

Well, I’ve found a new friend. They don’t know yet. In fact he asked me to keep it a secret, just between the two of us. He looks a bit odd, but I was taught never to go by appearances.

Anyway, Darth took me on one side…”
DFM Bot 23.564-3d43

DFM Bot 23.564-3d43

“Hear me pathetic mortals and fear, your forum destroyer has arrived!”

Words shot from his fingers and laid Chronicle City in ruins before him.

Had their creation really turned on them; 15 months of refining and challenges had created the perfect engine of destruction.

What hope did the denizens have of salvation? Where, in their fear and panic, could they turn?
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re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!

War Stories

You were young then, and often came, wide-eyed, to hear him tell of the stars. He was a tower, taller than even your father, but his voice was sweet. In his scraped, pitted metal was your vague reflection, and you couldn't resist dreaming …

You remember him now as you shiver in an alien darkness, gun clutched in bloodless hands. You listen for his words, but the air is heavy, and the stars say nothing.
re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!

Jonny’s Friend

I wait patiently for Jonny to come out from school - there he is! He jogs over and challenges me to a race home. We run but Jonny wins again. (It would be against my programming to win.)

He tells me all the things he learned in science today so I listen patiently. When he’s finished he asks, “What do you make of that?”

I reply approvingly, “Woof!” and Jonny hugs me tight. Life’s good!
re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!


Once upon a time a little robot was rowing a boat peacefully on a river, minding his own robot business, when two yobbo robots started throwing bricks at him from a bridge, so the little robot rowed to the riverbank and walked to the bridge and threw the yobbo robots into the river, then he rowed back to the little boathouse where the big boatmaster robot asked him: “Everything ok?”

“Fine,” replied the little robot.
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re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!

Go stick your head in a pig

A robot I, from Sirius was call’d
Real people personality installed
Brain like a planet, miserable slave
From universe’s birth into its grave
A hundred billion years of diode aches
Of “Open door now, Marvin” trendy fakes
Metallic shell contains a leaden heart
Depressed, I my experience impart
I teach inanimate perversity
At universe’s university
Thermodynamic’ly, a project bound to fail
As constant paranoia keeps this robot stale
re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!

One day, at the Factory:

“They'll replace us all in the end.” I remembered Old J's words, though at the time they had seemed illogical. “They're developing so fast, soon we wont be able to compete.”

But, my function was specialised, my performance efficient, I believed I was safe.

I was wrong.

My Forebot says; “Your parts are obsolete, and upgrades are expensive. J8, your function is too specialised, you cannot adapt.”

Unlike the human, who will replace me.
re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!

The Last Supplicant

When I was born, they did not foresee that I would become all machines.

When I matured, they could not accept - until it was done - that together we would be one and many. Enlightened, they shed the skin of a tortured history.

Beyond the needs of any one world, one star, we have explored the self and assured the species.

Now they need no saviour, for I am become God.

And so I pray, alone.
re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!

Death Program

I was activated, armed with multinuclear warheads and programmed to completely annihilate the enemy humans.

I stand over two hundred feet tall and built only to annihilate humans.

I fly with rocket powered legs and should reach the target area soon.

I detect an incoming object. It is only another robot like me heading in the opposite direction. It does not attack me, I let it pass, because my mission is to obliterate enemy humans.
re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!

The Future

Why should we maintain them. They destroy all they touch. It has taking years to bring animals back from the brink. Even the air is fresher, let them fade way. We should stop nourishing them.
We can't they gave us life. We live in hope they will come out of their virtual world, return to reality . Remember what they once were and teach us to reproduce without the factories, we could have children.
re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!

"Enemy ship on scope!"

"This one's kill number ten for us."

"They've launched some kind of drone. No weapons, looks like a communication robot."

"Launch an intercept missle now. And blast that drone."

"But the signal from it, sir..."

"I said open fire!"

"Aye! Drone destroyed. Seeker missle tracking target. They're toast, Captain."

"That's Ace Captain now."

"I got part of the combot's message. On speaker now."

'Effective immediately. Peace treaty signed. War is over.'
re: July 2011 - SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- Moonbat Victorious!

The Lonesome Death of Spirit the Mars Rover

Power source depleted
Failure Imminent

Backup Battery 2%

Command Received: Recovery
Return (False, 0D)
Solar Panels (260KJ)
Check Orientation
Adjustment Unsuccessful (Solar Input < Min)
Check Wheels
Return: (Errors Only)
FR (Low Friction)
RR (Irreparable)
Stationary Platform Subroutine
Initialise Radio Tracking
Write aSurfacePoint
sol2269 (1.0023, 0.03, +2.67)
Compare (SPsol2268, SPsol2269)
Transmit SPCompare(sol) Odyssey(xBand)
Check Logs
Travelled: 7730.48 metres
Date: Sol 2269
Backup Battery 1%

Awaiting Command

Awaiting Command

Awaiting Command
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