Okay, so stealing the idea from Perp in the writing challenges, I thought I might try my hand at saying a few good words for each of the photo's taken so far... I can't help myself, some of the pictures are just too good not to say anything about
I might not be able to offer any advice about photo techniques (not being a photographer myself and all that jazz), but I know what I think is pretty and, for some odd reason feel I want to share my thoughts of some of the photo's so far: -
StormFeather: First Photo - I really like this picture. I love how the sun seems to be 'resting' on the branch! And the pale shades on the sky are truly beautiful.
LittleMissy: No wait... that's me... I can't really comment on my own can I!?
Talysia: First photo - Although it's a shame the duckling has gone, I love how the light has reflected in this one, it's really pretty and sparkly (and I do love sparkly things).
Mouse: First Photo - As I said before, this is a very pretty shot. My attempts at something similar didn't even come to within a fraction of the prettiness of this one. I love the flare (if that's the right technical word!?) of the lights themselves. And the empty street just makes it all the more prettyful
Perpetual Man: First Photo - The moon looks so pretty in this picture, and I love the way you can see it lighting the clouds in front of it. Even more so, I love the lower half of the anchor you can see just below it... is this perhaps the anchor that holds the moon in place in our fair skys!?
Second Photo - Is it a disco ball? Or a lighted crystal? Whatever it is the colours are stunning and I do love coming back to this one to see the pink immersed/intermingled and yet standing out quite vibrantly from the blue!
alchemist: First Photo - This is a beautiful picture. You've really captured the lighthouse in such a way that my eye is always drawn back to it. The white of the buildings stand out so much against the scenery that, to me at least, you might not notice the beauty of that too (but I did come back to the photo often enough to appreciate that too
mosaix: First Photo - This firework shot is amazing and something that maybe, one day (with the right training and the right camera), I hope to be able to achieve myself! A truly stunning shot to my eye.
Second photo - The black and white of this picture makes it seem so timeless. It's the kind of picture I would expect to see hanging on someone's living room wall! I truly admire what you have achieved in this photo.
Star Girl: First Photo - The candle is so simple, and yet so beautiful. You have managed to capture a still-flame and it really keeps my eye watching... just in case it moves!
Second Photo - A beautiful capture... the sea almost seems like a completely reflectively surface, and yet... you can imagine the tide waiting to roll in in this one... just as soon as you blink, the scenery changes!