Hello Helion
There are two different things here, aren't there? First is whether your writing is any good, second is whether anyone has noticed your website and thought enough of it to leave any kind of message.
As to your writing, the only way you will find out if it's good is to share it with people who know what they are talking about -- ie fellow writers. The best way is through a writing group who can offer constructive feedback. I suggest you look around and see if you can find one in your area: even if it isn't SFF based, it may help you to develop your style. We also have a Critiques section here, which is open for members who have a minimum of 30 posts, so it's a bit early for you yet, but if you contribute to the forums and take part in what's going on, it won't be long before you get there.
As to your website -- you are one person whispering into the noise of a hurricane. I doubt many people have stumbled on your site at all. This may well be a difference in our generations, but I think it's better to wait until your voice is loud enough to be heard -- both because your work has developed to good enough quality and is known to others -- before you start shouting.
I have looked at your website. To be brutally honest, to my mind there wasn't enough there to interest people like me who want to read good, well-written stories, and there wasn't enough flashy things to attract younger people who are more used to interactive, mind-boggling, no-expense-spared websites.
Don't despair! I get the impression you are still very young and only just starting your writing career. That means that you have years in front of you in which you can improve your writing skills, build up your portfolio of work, and make your site the bells-and-whistles kind of thing which seems to be required!
Meantime, start looking round. Boneman I know has just started a website. I'm pretty sure Leisha has one. Look at theirs. Look at the writing in Critiques. Read topics in GWD. Become a valued member of the site and we will support you in every way we can.
Oh, and before I forget -- pop over to Introductions and you can be welcomed properly!