(Found) Looking for a sci-fi series called the Commonwealth (not Peter F. Hamiltons)


Active Member
Aug 2, 2011
I keep forgetting this authors name, but he/she writes well. I belive the series is called the "Commonwealth" and no I do not mean Peter F Hamilton's series. Each book has the words written on it "A Commonwealth Novel" or something to that effect.

Every so often I stumble upon one of these books, but the one I remember the best is that some guy (soldier I think) is dumped on a backwater planet that receives attention and supplies from the Commonwealth because its inhabitants just barely passed the test that figures out if a species is sentient or not. The only other human on the planet is in the same position, they are supposed to distribute supplies and make sure nothing happens (or something like that) but he has a rather dim view of the species as a whole, and has basically been selling the supplies on the black market.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
The only other SF series I can think of would be Alan Dean Foster's Humanx Commonwealth books. I've not read them so can't say more than that.

Edit: snap MP, you got in just before me :)
Thats it, thanks! If you like Sci-Fi you should check his books out. Very well written. I wouldn't call them space opera's but they deal with alien-human relations a lot.

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