Book in Spanish, please help me find it


New Member
Aug 25, 2011
Hi dear book-finders;) I'm Martina and I'm looking for a book. I'm too desperate... It's a very tough one:( The book must be in Spanish and my Spanish is near to zero, so i can not find it easily... The book is written by one ex-Real-Madrid-player, who was part of the team for a very short time (like one season or something) and he actually never even got to play, he was the whole time just a standby. But in his book he is telling how amazing his life became in this time, the best time of his life (party, fun etc.).
The thing is that a very good friend of mine has a birthday and I know this book would be the best surprise for him. Please help me if you can, i really googled a loooot, but i couldn't find anything.
Thanks in advance:)


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