Gail Carriger - Any info?

I looked in my library this week, they have book 2 but not book 1 :(
I got Soulless for Christmas, well actually it was a book token I got and I used it to get this book :D Looking forward to seeing what its like
Ive only read the first few pages of Soulless so far and already Ive had a good chuckle - LOL
Its started well :D
Ive finally got the 2nd book, not read it yet mind, going to keep it for when I go on hols in summer, but how do I resist - LOL
Ive recently finished reading Changeless. I was really enjoying the relationship between Alexia and Conall, they seem to work so well together. Not sure, after the end, how this series will progress.

Anyone read book 3 - can you give me an idea

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