Einstein once said that time travel was possible via the speed one would have to travel. Anyone think this is possible?
For example:
1 km at 60km/h would take 1 min.
1 km at 120 km/h = 30 secs.
1 km at 240 km/h = 15 secs
1 km at 480 km/h = 7.5 secs
1 km at 960 km/h = 3.75 secs
1 km at 1920 km/h = 1.87 secs
1 km at 3840 km/h = 0.93 secs
1 km at 300, 000 km per second = ?? perhaps in the negative?
For example:
1 km at 60km/h would take 1 min.
1 km at 120 km/h = 30 secs.
1 km at 240 km/h = 15 secs
1 km at 480 km/h = 7.5 secs
1 km at 960 km/h = 3.75 secs
1 km at 1920 km/h = 1.87 secs
1 km at 3840 km/h = 0.93 secs
1 km at 300, 000 km per second = ?? perhaps in the negative?