Looking for an illustrated ray bradbury


New Member
Jan 1, 2012
I am looking for a book I had in the 80's. It was a colored illustrated collection I believe of Ray Bradbury stories. I remember it had The Veldt and a robot story with the laws of robotics. Can anyone help?
There's one called THE AUTUMN PEOPLE but "The Veldt" isn't in it, at least according to the table of contents.
No, I don't think that would be the case. The Illustrated Man was the third of Bradbury's books, a story-collection-cum-novel; yes, "The Veldt" is a story included (it is, in fact, the first following the framing story), but this is not an illustrated book, which is what the OP is looking for.

I know I've seen something such as what you describe, but I don't recall anything dealing with Asimov's three laws... in fact, as far as I recall, Bradbury never paid attention to such in his own work. Could this perhaps have been an illustrated anthology of stories by various writers rather than a single-author collection?
