Need Help With Magical World


The Mentally Destroyed
Jan 14, 2012
Ive got my world set up so that most of the action takes place at Lilith Academy its a controversial school because not only can anyone from any social standing get in, it allows students the options of learning magic that are not on the "normal" magical academy class list such as shadow magic, necromancy, alchemy, etc given this the staff and students dont receive much conflict from society however they have their every move criticize by the staff and students of Caoranach University , which is full of the richest and snobbiest people you can imagine.

So far this is how ive set up the classes for Lilith Academy
Majors(All Majors can be Minors)--------Minors
Fire -----------------------------------Dance
Shadow--------------------------------Talismans and Amulets
Demon---------------------------------Seals and Barriers
Weapons and Armor

One other fact that i feel i need to include is that all students have familiars for their majors and each student can up to 2 majors

I Have most of the magic and characters planned out but i need help help with choosing and classifying familiars along with other locations and if you have any ideas for different types of magic please share
Hi Metaflame,

I'm a little confused by your links between majors and minors - are they actually links? And if so how is dance a minor to flame etc? Also what are you looking for with regard to the familiars?And if students can have two majors and a major comes with a familiar, do they get two familiars? Lets hope they don't eat each other!

Cheers, Greg.
Hi Metaflame,

I'm a little confused by your links between majors and minors - are they actually links? And if so how is dance a minor to flame etc? Also what are you looking for with regard to the familiars?And if students can have two majors and a major comes with a familiar, do they get two familiars? Lets hope they don't eat each other!

Cheers, Greg.

no they are not links i needed something top put between majors and minors or else it have been like this


About the familiars when the student enters the class or classes they major in they take a test about there philosophy about that type of magic and are matched with a familiar with a similar philosophy and a familiar can be any mythological creature god devil etc im having problems picking mythological creatures to use as familiars and what type of magic they would use
With respect, I think you've posted in the wrong area. There is an area for writing discussion, but this is an area for discussing published books or themes and concepts in science fiction and fantasy (e.g. what is hard sf, what is dark fantasy and so on). I suspect a moderator may be along shortly to move this thread over to the writing area.
And here one is...

Yep, posted in the wrong area as you're wanting help with your set-up. I can't help with the magic bits myself but I'll take this over to GWD where there will be someone who can.

NB It might help if you explain the major/minor thing and how it works -- a lot of us here are from the UK and we don't have that in our education system .
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Earth,water, fire and wind (air) the familiars could be elementals. Historically (in alchemy) these were gnomes, nymphs, salamanders and sylphs respectively.
Thanks new to this forum

About the majors and minors for those who dont know about majors are your main/concentration classes(the class that usually helps you for the career you ex. someone wanting to be an actor, director, play writer, would major in theater or film). Minors are your elective classes, the classes that you aren't required to but you take them anyway out of personal interest.

Got you I think. From the kiwi varsity experience, majors are subjects you take through to your final year of studies for your degrees, minors the ones you only advance to maybe the second year or so.

As to your familiars:

Fire - someone has already suggested salamanders and I'd agree. It's traditional.
Water - Fish don't do so well out of it, so unless they've got fish tanks maybe an axolotal (walking fish) something that can go in and out of it.
Earth - Mole maybe, something that digs and burrows.
Wind - Birds of some sort?
Lightning - Lightning bugs? Those little bugs that you see in the movies that can snap and crackle and produce light like fire flies.
Ice - I liked the polar bear but it seemed a little too large for a wizard familiar, and it might eat the other students. Maybe a smaller ice bear?
Sand - I was thinking a desert burrower, a meercat maybe.
Plant - Plants and animals don't usually mix. But maybe a plant that does some animal things like move - a Venus fly trap.
Metal - Had problems with this but thought something that digs and burrows but with a metal sounding prefix, so a silver mole or similar?
Poison - Viper or spider.
Grave - Vulture or some sort of carrion eater. Jackal.
Time - Something that either goes very quick or very slow was my thought, and maybe chuck in some sort of time based term - infinity sloth, hummingbird.
Space - Had trouble with this. Something incredibly big or small, or maybe that can change its size.
Sound - Something with a surprisingly loud voice from a small body - a howler monkey perhaps.
Psionic - Cats are often said to have a sixth sense.
Light - I was thinking bright and sparkly. A firefly, a butterfly.
Shadow - What lurks in the shadows and skulks around a lot? Something dark, small and probably an ambush predator. Maybe a wolf of some sort. Black wolf? Night wolf?
Solar -Don't quite know what this is.
Lunar - Moths seem sort of apropo.
Demon -Bats.
Angel - Brightly coloured, spectacular looking bird. Golden hawk?
Weapons and Armour - Armadillo, sword spider?

Hope that helps.

Cheers, Greg.

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