In the house of the worm

It's in the collection The Sandkings, but I don't remember it (unsurprisingly in that I'd forgotten until reminded that I'd read the collection, itself). But if you want to read it, that's the likeliest place.
I've read it. The easiest place to get it is on Amazon if you have a Kindle. That's how I read it. Here's the link:

It's a pretty weird story but I liked it. Actually, I didn't like it all that much after I read it but it's the kind of story that really stays with you for awhile. After thinking about it for awhile I decided that I did like it. There's actually quite a bit of world building for such a short story (60 pages I think).

I recommend checking it out if you have a Kindle since it's so cheap. If you don't have a Kindle you could still buy it and read it on your phone with the Kindle app or on your computer with the Kindle app for computers or the Kindle Cloud Reader. Lots of easy ways to access it without going and looking for a collection that may contain a bunch of stories you don't care about.

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