2.10: The Walking Dead - 18 Miles Out


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
That was one of the better episodes, if not the best that we've seen in the second season, with only the pilot sitting on the top. The only minus I'd give is the beginning scene as the tension was building up quite nicely from the previous episode and I truly believe they could have cut it out. Then again, I don't know what I would have added - to the forty five seconds; maybe burned more film on the stiff one*.

Don't know. It's so hard to say.

But what I can say is that the new writing team are really starting to hit the vein, and what is flowing out is brilliant drama on such a tension. I'm in love - probably as much as I am with the Sherlock.

They don't need to show more of the characters and in fact, less they were showing, more interesting it started to get. And what they were showing was two sides that aren't so black and white.

What is right and what is wrong in that world?

To me it isn't that easy and neither that is to any characters. Not even if count in Shane, and I think that is what is what Shane was thinking at the end, when he watched that geezer crossing the rye field.

Life isn't easy.

* fear not, there's plenty of them in this one and when I say plenty, I mean LOTS.

PS. I was wrong about Hershel's daughter.
I thought it interesting why they showed that walker in the field going and coming back to the farm. It symbolized something, I'm just not sure what. I found it interesting also that this was the first time they did not show some of the characters in the show. Maybe the story was too big for 42+ minutes of airtime and at least they mentioned those characters. I like how Rick confronted Shane right off the bat. It seemed like it was going well at first...it seemed like it really sunk in Shane's head and heart, letting what happened to Otis finally off his chest. Great episode.
I thought it was interesting ep but it had flaws at times. I like how Rick acted like he was the leader, showing Shane how to kill zombies with a knife.

The scenes with Rick and Shane was interesting. The only weak part was at the end when Rick left Shane for dead and then came back to save.

We all know they would never dare to kill Shane this early. He is the bad guy of the series so far. They need to prolong his you guys are too good, naive for this world stuff....
I wouldn't say as Shane's ditching was wrong, but interestingly made as it made the watchers to think that Rick made his decision. However, I think it could have been done a bit differently, just not much ... and I wonder if Rick could've been able to fire-bomb the bus attacking horde.
I wouldn't say as Shane's ditching was wrong, but interestingly made as it made the watchers to think that Rick made his decision. However, I think it could have been done a bit differently, just not much ... and I wonder if Rick could've been able to fire-bomb the bus attacking horde.

It was too predictable how they handled it, it ruined alittle of the tension of the thing between Rick and Shane. Let them fight but dont try to trick us by thinking Shane will die this early. Before the Governor and other real bad guys this uber slow tv show needs Shane in a way Kirkman writing never did.

Im not comparing to the comic version, i just dont like how predictable they handle Shane sometimes. Better writing this season but sometimes....
I know, but I'd like to think that Shane's growing in every episode. I want to believe that Rick gave him a heads up, when he allowed Shane to think that he's leaving. I'd have thought that way, but I do admit that it would have been intriguing, if they would have allowed Shane to figure his own way out - since he already so much wanted it.
I know, but I'd like to think that Shane's growing in every episode. I want to believe that Rick gave him a heads up, when he allowed Shane to think that he's leaving. I'd have thought that way, but I do admit that it would have been intriguing, if they would have allowed Shane to figure his own way out - since he already so much wanted it.

I dont mind what they did Shane last ep when it came to building his character. Better than writing like dangerous gun nut like they did before.

Still i hope they deal with him permanently later on. You cant have two cops when they leave the farm deal with dangerous people,walkers. They need only one Sheriff for it there to be a danger. Right now i enjoy seeing the story, overall how they handle Rick and Shane.
ctg said:
I know, but I'd like to think that Shane's growing in every episode. I want to believe that Rick gave him a heads up, when he allowed Shane to think that he's leaving. I'd have thought that way, but I do admit that it would have been intriguing, if they would have allowed Shane to figure his own way out - since he already so much wanted it.
I dont mind what they did Shane last ep when it came to building his character. Better than writing like dangerous gun nut like they did before.

Still i hope they deal with him permanently later on. You cant have two cops when they leave the farm deal with dangerous people,walkers. They need only one Sheriff for it there to be a danger. Right now i enjoy seeing the story, overall how they handle Rick and Shane.

I wouldn't go as far as saying Shane's a sheriff or even a copper even though he might be wearing an uniform. I'd go as far as to say he stopped being one of them quite some time ago. And I would also say that Shane's day aren't numbered unless he was thinking seriously about ditching the group and going in his own way.
I wouldn't go as far as saying Shane's a sheriff or even a copper even though he might be wearing an uniform. I'd go as far as to say he stopped being one of them quite some time ago. And I would also say that Shane's day aren't numbered unless he was thinking seriously about ditching the group and going in his own way.

By Sheriff i meant he and Rick are experienced lawmen which makes them leaders, best with guns, dealing with danger. There is not as much reason to be scared when the sheep has two shepherds' so to speak.

I think they will make him dangerous and kill him or make him ditch the group.

I know for tension sake the prison arc, the governor cant have both Rick and Shane. It can be alot different from comic series but the reason Shane is written as dangerous, less saner version of Rick is to foreshadow he wont permanently stay with the group.

The actor has also signed for a summer/fall pilot i read in Tv.com. Maybe he knows something about his character we dont know in the tv show near future.
The actor has also signed for a summer/fall pilot i read in Tv.com. Maybe he knows something about his character we dont know in the tv show near future.

I know that he knows, and he has been very deliberately vague on that point. The thing is however that modern times allow you to appear in more than few regular shows during the year, as they might not all be shooting at the same time. I dread to think about some of the thing I've seen on who's going and who's staying, and as far as I've seen Shane might not be among them. In fact, the group might completely split up at the end of the season.
I know that he knows, and he has been very deliberately vague on that point. The thing is however that modern times allow you to appear in more than few regular shows during the year, as they might not all be shooting at the same time. I dread to think about some of the thing I've seen on who's going and who's staying, and as far as I've seen Shane might not be among them. In fact, the group might completely split up at the end of the season.

I hope the group split or something that surprises us comics fans too. Shane, Andrea group trying to survive on their own and Rick, the people who trust him more than Shane.

Thats actually fascinating storyline there.

Right now the mistake of making Shane the leader, the hardcore,taking tough decisions i see many comments of tv fans who think Rick is getting the leader role just because he is the star. The writers have to deal Shane part of the story well and not alienate the fans of Shane.

Shane has taken the dangerous, tough leader role Rick had in the comic.
It is as if Kirkman is reading these comments as here he talks about Shane:

Shane is experiencing series of moments that are making him question his stance on things. When Shane couldn't gun Sophia down but Rick could, that's a bit of evidence that Shane is wrong and that Rick is the right guy to be leading this group. This is another example of that. It's really going to be driving Shane crazy — the fact that he was pretty much read his rights and needed Rick to come save him and Rick came and did that. That's going to eat away at the guy and whether or not that causes him to calm down on his position and realize that Rick is the right guy for the job, or whether that infuriates him to a higher degree and causes him to do more things to undermine Rick … we'll just have to wait and see.

Now that they know Randall can't be completely trusted, how will Rick and Shane move forward when considering his fate?

That's something we're going to be dealing with in our very next episode back: just how much of a threat this guy is and what they're going to do with him. While he did drive the car, they saved him as much as he saved them, if not more so. I don't think he would have been able to make it out of there alive. Them putting him back in the trunk, they clearly don't trust the guy to drive back all the way with him. The guy's a prisoner now and they have to figure out what they're going to do with him.
As long they dont slow down the pace like first season. New things must happen soon. Heh latest Spiderman comic joked about "They are still in Herschel's farm" when he was catching up another hero on tv of the last season.

Can you put a spoiler alert on the thread if you are going to talk about the comic books. I am a big fan of the tv show and love the direction the Rick and Shane story is going. I also enjoy reading these threads, but not at the expense of learning about future plot lines. :)

Can you put a spoiler alert on the thread if you are going to talk about the comic books. I am a big fan of the tv show and love the direction the Rick and Shane story is going. I also enjoy reading these threads, but not at the expense of learning about future plot lines. :)

You dont have to worry about spoilers from the comics from me anymore. I dont know more than you about future plot lines. I know only one bad guy they have already picked an actor for and i wont use his name again.

The rest we are talking about are the tv show because they have changed so much that isnt even remotely like the comic. Shane and other changes have nothing to do with the comics. We only compare the pace and not the plot lines. We are guessing what might happen in tv show. Not what has already happened in the comics and is coming soon in tv show.

Hard to spoil the comics when several of the main characters exist only in the TV show.
Just watched this episode, and agree that it's one of the best of the series so far. I agree with a lot of Shane's decisions, but the bloke is such a [MODERATED] in the way he goes about things.

I still dislike Andrea. I also don't really buy the "let her try to kill herself to get it out of her system" line. However, the argument she had with Lori was a really nice little scene contrasting the views of the role of women in zombie apocalypse land.

Interesting too that the rozzers didn't get bitten, and suggests infection can be passed through physical, but non-bitey, contact (if the human has a cut). Be surprising, and mildly disappointing, if none of the three start showing walker symptoms given how many wounds they've got.
Ive just watched this too. I did enjoy the set to with Rick and Shane. It was a long time coming and gratifying to see Rick give Shane a thrashing.
In fact I didnt want to go back to the farm, in this episode, I wanted to stick were the action was. So it was frustrating for me when it kept popping back to see what was going on at the farm.
I too still dont like Andrea!

I honestly thought Rick was gonna get it this time though, how close did he come with those walkers piled up on top of him - LOL
Who laid the fresh road surface? Have the Zombies gone into the tarmacing business? The one road at the crossroads had a layer of freshly laid surface, by the look of it only a couple of days old. Bad call on the location.

Also back at the farm;

Lit mostly by lamps.
Doing the washing by hand.

The light came on when the fridge door was open. Errr... running a generator just to keep the fridge going? No sign of a wind turbine or solar panels.

Spoiled a good ep for me.
You'll see the generator SJAB soon enough. In fact, I think you have already seen it at earlier episodes, when Rick went to have a word with Hershel about the barn. At that scene he was maintaining the generator. And also they have one of them American style windmills visible in earlier episode. Maybe even in the last one, where Lori went to have a word with Shane and Shane was stripping the tower from planks.
The generator has been seen already - but I think SJAB's point was why doing washing by hand and lighting the farm with oil lamps, but powering a light in the fridge with electricity? I don't see that as a big problem - the fridge would be useful - well worth the electricity, and the light would only come on when the door was open. However, that assumes they have some storage batteries. Running a generator all day just to power a fridge doesn't seem right. It looked like diesel and they can't have much of that.

These things are important to me too. They talked in the car about having to get dry goods before winter sets in. Pretty soon the petrol (gasoline) and diesel are going to run short and these car journeys will have to stop. They need to do these things quickly.

They haven't adequately explained what happens to their waste - both solid and liquid. No district services or sewage disposal. They will compost and feed some to the animals but there will be other waste. And they have wells but we have seen one contaminated.

I found it a slower episode. I'm not saying I didn't like it, but it was more character driven and featured a number of moral dilemmas, so it was a change of pace from the last few.

I thought that Shane must have taken aboard Rick's message and decided to obey him. I could well be wrong, but he the ideal opportunity to leave in this episode - by taking one of the vehicles at the public works yard - even hooking up with the kid - or shooting Rick and the kid and then taking the car himself. He didn't do that, so despite throwing the wrench at Rick he must have decided to stay by the end.

I was also wrong about Beth. She's not a Zombie. Not yet.
