Lexx Fans. Bizarre Request.


New Member
Mar 20, 2012
Hi there.

My English Literature coursework, rather strangely, includes a quote from the Sci-fi programme Lexx. It needs to be included in my bibliography and i have sourced author (Paul Donovan) etc. I just need to know what series and what episode the following quote appears in...

"The lack of real cultural identity leads to the substitution of nationalism for cultural identity" Xev. He (or she???) is commenting on America.

I have no idea if this is a famous quote or a completely random one, but it would be great if someone had an idea! If not, i'll have to make it up!

A quick Google found one hit associated with "Xev." I then narrowed the search, using short phrases to increase the likelihood of hits, to a few sites featuring Lexx transcripts. No hits.

I've seen the series, but it did not make an impression on me. I understand there were edits made, depending on the country where it was released.

Good luck.
I don't remember the episode but it was season 4 where the crew visited Earth. Xev is a she.

I can't for the life of me even picture Xev saying anything like this though?
We do have a Lexx forum here (though it is little visited) so I have moved your thread there, but left a one month redirect for maximum exposure. Welcome to Chronicles. I can't help you. I watched it once. It seemed to be always on about 1am in the UK. Good luck with your coursework.
And after some internet searches I conclude that 'Xev' is someone who posts on several philosophy boards and any link to Lexx is either coincidental or the person is a Lexx fan.

Don't know if this link will help?

Thanks. I originally found the quote on a forum, then traced 'Xev American Philosopher' to Lexx. Perhaps I am just severely confused. Don't tell AQA but i think i'll say it was Series 2, Episode 3! ;)

We do have a Lexx forum here (though it is little visited) so I have moved your thread there, but left a one month redirect for maximum exposure. Welcome to Chronicles. I can't help you. I watched it once. It seemed to be always on about 1am in the UK. Good luck with your coursework.

Thanks for the help. It's due tomorrow though - i'd procrastinated finding this information for a long time! It's not pivotal to my essay so it'll be okay. Cheers for the replies though everyone!
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