While searching around old websites and a few forums, not finding much of interest (I missed the sale of the script books and the latest series seems a bit expensive at $60 each), then found two ‘behind the scenes’ kind of sites in close succession.
The Babylon 5 podcast, along with a lot of episode reviews has a ton of interviews with everyone from the wardrobe supervisor and cameramen, to the head of the art department and the show’s creator.
The other was on a modelling forum of all places. I’ve copied what it says since it includes some very nice concept art.
Between the two of them I’ve done a lot of downloading lately.
The Babylon 5 podcast, along with a lot of episode reviews has a ton of interviews with everyone from the wardrobe supervisor and cameramen, to the head of the art department and the show’s creator.
The other was on a modelling forum of all places. I’ve copied what it says since it includes some very nice concept art.
Basically, more by accident than design a learning exercise in putting a web page together somehow ended up full of information and interviews provided by about a dozen of the FX artists who worked on B5 and the various spin-offs – they even sent over a fair bit of previously unreleased production artwork.
Here’s a link to a facebook page showcasing the site – the reason for pointing there will become obvious once you see it. So hopefully you’ll ‘like’ the thing for the reasons stated. . . . . assuming that you like it of course. ; )
Even if you don’t have a facebook a/c you can still use the link that you’ll see there to take you to the actual B5Scrolls website.
Here’s a small selection of images from the Concept Art section. All the artwork was sent over by the artists for inclusion to B5Scrolls, and are happy enough for all of it to be included in the download.
The interviews also shed light on a fair few things. If you liked the Omega destroyers then check out Paul Bryant’s interview to see what it was really designed to do, for example. ; ) The reason why the CGI was rendered in 4:3 was an exec producer/Warner decision to save $75 per episode!!!!! Stuff like that. ; )
Between the two of them I’ve done a lot of downloading lately.