This series is going forward in such a pace, that I'm afraid they are losing audience along the way. And only if they could give it a couple of more episodes they could slow down the things and let the audience to savour the fine detail GRRM had breath in this world. It's so full of it. And to me that is the thing this episode brings in to the audience, when it shows two new, previously unseen places.
The other one is the great walled city of Quarth and the other, the pits of Harrenhal - the home castle of the clan Lannisters. And they are like two sides of one coin, where one is an oasis and the another, a hell carved from the belly of the Westeros. Still, Harrenhal feels home to my European eyes, where as Quarth a paradise full of snakes.
We see which is which, don't we? Although I suspect that most of you wouldn't feel so comfortable among the rats of Harrerhal, and you could image yourself sunbathing at the rooftops of Quarth palace, wouldn't you?
But not for once would yoube wanting clicking your pints with the ******* son of Lannister's, would you? Joffrey is absolutely horrible and I for one, would want to see him being sent to face a certain doom in the hands of Harrenhal's half-witted and mostly bored torturers. We see if my wish is going to be granted and I only suspect that his death isn't going to be as painful and horrifying as what I'd like it to be.
Then again I can only can start to imagine what sort of terror that shadowy monster, we saw at the end of the episode, is going to cause at the ranks of Renly's men. My suspicion is that it's going after the king himself.