Is Jon immune from Dragon Fire?

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002

Yes, I said, SPOILERS!!!!!!!

I know something has been discussed on the issue before, not least regarding the L+R=J theory that asserts that Jon is half-Targ.

However, now we have Jon becoming increasingly involved with Mel and the Lord of Light, who appears in part fire-based.

That had me wondering last night: if Jon is only part Targ and therefore only partly immune, if at all, to fire (cf, Viserys as a Targ vulnerable to fire; also, didn't Jon burn his hand in the first Wight fight with Mormont?), Dany can burn him in a confrontation (to myself, ASoFaI is building up to a Dany vs Jon stand off at some point).

However, if Jon is healed - even resurrected - by the Lord of Light - will this give him some new/additional protection against fire? Or even amplify a minor resistance into a larger one?

Simply curious as to what people think. :)
If Jon is resurrected a la Beric Dondarrion I think he becomes the ASOIAF equivalent to the Human Torch. As it is I don't think he will need to be resurrected, or that he will receive any kind of protection against fire; you're only allowed to have one super power. ;)
considering i'm completely skeptical about R+L=J anyway, the fact he was burned when fighting the wight, imho, rules him out as a "dragon."

Jon's only fire protection will come from Melissandre... who i believe is seeing Jon now as Azor Azai (which he can be by being a Stark far better than a Targ - Stark lineage traces a line of Kings back to very nearly the dawn of time... the Targaryens... 300 years... thats impressive... )
considering i'm completely skeptical about R+L=J anyway, the fact he was burned when fighting the wight, imho, rules him out as a "dragon."

Im curious, why are you completely skeptical about R+L=J? And I don't necessarily think that being burned rules Jon out as being a Targ; he is clearly more Stark than he is Rhaegar's son (if he is in fact Rhaegar's son), and I don't believe it has been established that all Targs are immune/resistant to fire (as Brian points out, Viserys' death suggest otherwise).
Dany has shown a resistance to heat, but I don't think even she's impervious. The main example is Drogo's funeral pyre but there was magic and all sorts involved in that. I doubt she'd be able to take a pot of molten gold over the head and come out of it alive. Or a blast of dragon breath, even. Didn't she get blisters from Drogon in ADWD?
Isn't Jon dead? As far as I remember at the end of ADWD he had numerous swords stick through him. Doesn't sound promising to me....
Isn't Jon dead? As far as I remember at the end of ADWD he had numerous swords stick through him. Doesn't sound promising to me....

He got stabbed three times, which is what we know. He isn't dead; I don't think GRRM can afford to kill off this character. He will most likely be badly injured at the beginning of Winds of Winter, having been saved by Ghost, Mel, or some of his men/wildlings. There will probably have been fighting between the watch, the wildlings, and Queen Selyse's men, but its unclear exactly who would side with who. Jon might only be left with the wildlings and some of the watch; we don't know how much of the watch has turned on him. It seems like the Queen would side with Jon wanting to kill the man who killed her husband, though he might be regarded as a traitor. Just my speculations.
Isn't Jon dead? As far as I remember at the end of ADWD he had numerous swords stick through him. Doesn't sound promising to me....

They were daggers, not swords.

I think I have a better chance of waking up tomorrow with an extra set of arms than Jon does of being out of the story. The question is, IMO, HOW will Jon survive/go forward, not WILL he.
My opinion is that Danny's resistance to fire is NOT inborn, but doing of some "greater power", so Jon being fireproof is also possibility, under right circumstances offcourse.
Jon is NOT dead. I agree with the Imp in that the question will be How, not If he lives. I really hope he isnt revived by Mel. cared for, perhaps, but NOT brought back from the dead, dondarion style.

I tend to support the Jon being a product of R+L, but I really doubt he is/will ride a dragon.

With the way things are going though, I really don't know what the end result for Jon will be, I just know he can't be dead. not yet anyway
