Bane of Souls now on sale at Smashwords


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2007
UK, Yorkshire
Bane of Souls, a tale of murder, treachery, temptation and feathery hats, is now up for sale on Smashwords:

The trade festival of Mascezad is normally a time of plenty for Horst and his trader uncle, but when they visit Highford Horst finds himself conscripted by the city’s mages. Unable to return to his own people and abandoned by his uncle, his fortunes go from bad to worse when he discovers that the city is being terrorised by a spate of murders, and the killer has a particular taste for dead mages…

I hope you give the sample a try and purchase if it seems like being your kind of book. There's a fair amount of levity to lighten the load, as well as a deadly serious central plot.

I'd offer you some good karma for your wise purchase, but as Homer told Apu, karma can only be exuded by the cosmos.
So that I don't end up putting up a new post for every retailer, here's a link to a list of retailers (with links) that I'll continually update:

As well as Smashwords and Amazon, Bane of Souls is available at Diesel, Apple, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and has recently been added to Inktera and Versent Books.

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