I'm making steady (but a bit slow) progress through my WiP. However I'm finding that a lot of my spur of the moment ideas, ones that didn't appear to be significant at the time, seem to really be fitting in extremely well.*
I am an inveterate planner of my writing, thus this WiP has a development with ~80 scenes/chapters descriptions. In broad brush strokes the plot is all there. But quite a lot of the descriptions are not particuarly detailed. So to give a concrete example, for my current chapter, the only directions I had put down were: Protagonist A is bullied by her peers and has dreary duties in an insignificant government department.
This chapter was to introduce this protagonist and her situation and when I wrote out the development I left it for my current self to figure out what should happen. I knew though it wasn't relevant for the main plot, and was looking for quite a short chapter. 2,500 words later I have a bed, shower and bullying scene** and the protagonist at the 'Bureau of Adminstration and Records'.
It struck me though with some surprise after I had described a little of the operations of this bureau, that this is precisely the sort of department she needs to be in for a plot development nine and eighteen chapters later. I had really not thought it through or planned it at all.
So my question then for everyone else is: do you find serendipity like this common in your writing? Has one of your characters nonchantly picked up a dagger and that gets them out of serious trouble way down the line etc...? Is it the subconscious hard at work or a bias to seeing patterns in blind coincidence?
I know we've had a number of discussions about how each of us approach plotting and storytelling, so it would be interesting to know if those that take more of a 'just write and see where it takes me' approach also make these (rather wonderful!) discoveries regularly.
My guess is that I've probably been thinking about the WiP too much and have momentarily picked up on a bit of coincidence/luck. I expect in the nth rewrite it will no longer look that good . It's definitely too long as it stands!
* Note, I'm not patting myself on my back saying how great my writing is - I know there is soooo much work to put into this WiP for it to be even reasonable for a generous and forgiving beta reader...
** Steady...it's not what you think - wash your mind out if you had any dirty thoughts
I am an inveterate planner of my writing, thus this WiP has a development with ~80 scenes/chapters descriptions. In broad brush strokes the plot is all there. But quite a lot of the descriptions are not particuarly detailed. So to give a concrete example, for my current chapter, the only directions I had put down were: Protagonist A is bullied by her peers and has dreary duties in an insignificant government department.
This chapter was to introduce this protagonist and her situation and when I wrote out the development I left it for my current self to figure out what should happen. I knew though it wasn't relevant for the main plot, and was looking for quite a short chapter. 2,500 words later I have a bed, shower and bullying scene** and the protagonist at the 'Bureau of Adminstration and Records'.
It struck me though with some surprise after I had described a little of the operations of this bureau, that this is precisely the sort of department she needs to be in for a plot development nine and eighteen chapters later. I had really not thought it through or planned it at all.
So my question then for everyone else is: do you find serendipity like this common in your writing? Has one of your characters nonchantly picked up a dagger and that gets them out of serious trouble way down the line etc...? Is it the subconscious hard at work or a bias to seeing patterns in blind coincidence?
I know we've had a number of discussions about how each of us approach plotting and storytelling, so it would be interesting to know if those that take more of a 'just write and see where it takes me' approach also make these (rather wonderful!) discoveries regularly.
My guess is that I've probably been thinking about the WiP too much and have momentarily picked up on a bit of coincidence/luck. I expect in the nth rewrite it will no longer look that good . It's definitely too long as it stands!
* Note, I'm not patting myself on my back saying how great my writing is - I know there is soooo much work to put into this WiP for it to be even reasonable for a generous and forgiving beta reader...
** Steady...it's not what you think - wash your mind out if you had any dirty thoughts