And after all this...


Oct 11, 2007
Johannesburg, SA
I just want to know what GRRM will be writing once he has finished ASOIAF (in the distant future:D).

Will he start another intricate series, maybe a type of SF version that is similar in style to ASOIAF but in the future and is galaxy spanning.

What are your thoughts? Or have you heard rumours?
I heard he was going to retire and live like a king in Patagonia.
I read in an interview with him that he doesn't plan to write another huge epic like ASoIaF, but he definitely plans to do some smaller projects.
Yeah that's what I had heard too but I wasn't sure how old the interview was.

asoiaf is the only work of his that I have read, but I am looking forward to picking up some more of his stuff, and I hope he does keep writing.
Arsten, pick up Fevre Dream. Don't read any comments about it, just read it. If you must know something about it, then highlight the rest of this sentence... Mark Twain meets Edgar Allen Poe. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I wonder if maybe we will get more ASoIaF from him in the form of back story, Dunk and Egg ish? i keep thinking of Stephen King's epic Dark Tower he says he was sure the story was finished but Roland keeps appearing in his dreams to say there is one more story to tell!
Maybe he will write some stories in that world but based as historical events of the Targarryens maybe or a bunch of prequels I meant to say.
Needle and bio, I seem to recall someone saying that GRRM will be done with ASOIAF, but that he might continue to write prequel or sequel novellas about Westeros.
I swear at some point he made a comment about doing a mystery story set in Westeros - not sure if he just decided to incorporate that into the current Winterfell story or what though. There was another story type he thought would be fun as well to set in the universe he mentioned along with that one, but I can't remember what it was...

I think he'll most likely continue on trying to get anthologies and the like done to help up-and-coming authors get their names out there like he has been doing just with potentially more direct contributions (i.e. hopefully he'll be writing more stories for them). A couple anthologies from Westeros featuring some hand picked people is probably on the table, but I'd be more than a bit apprehensive to any WildCards-esque opening of the floodgates of that universe...luckily there's still WildCards for that (which I'm sure he probably wants to start writing a couple stories for directly as well) :p
Personally I would like to read a novella that goes into more detail of Mance Rayder, but told from his point of view and kind of painting the Nights Watch as sort of the antagonist to his story. All the elements are there for them to be portrayed as (almost)classic fairy tale bad guys.

They raid into wildling camps and kill his family.
They raise him as a captive to fight for them and destroy the "free folk"
They are an old and conservative order of men who come down with an iron fist on any kind of individuality
They all wear black and many of them were murderers, thieves and rapists.

Mance then grew up and united the free folk to fight against this old and opressive force that is trying to kill them off.

It would make an interesting story (i think) especially as it would turn our idea of good and bad on its head.
I want Loras and Renly's backstory, just for, um, research 'n stuff. ;)
All the way back to the days when they were little shavers, you mean...?
Yeah, the shadow was Renly's barber. He just slipped.
I want to see a GRRM vs Tolkien conflict, in particular a battle of wizards: Melisandre versus Gandalf.

Gandalf would win, of course, if only because, unlike Mel, he has...

...Shadowfax. :rolleyes::)
I'm sure could fax him a shadow if need be.

A graphic novel maybe? A picture is worth a thousand words ya know! :D
Loras said that Renly had a book that could turn a septon blind.

This thread's gone to hell.