Posting a synopsis for critique


Writing the good fight!
Jun 9, 2012
United States
I didn't find this in the critique rules and guidelines, and I had a few questions:

Can or should one post a synopsis in the critique section?

Would posting a synopsis be considered bad form?

Is there another section entirely for such a posting, or did my eyes run right past clear instructions that may well have been written in bold red capitalised font?

As always, Thank You!!
Do you mean that you are ready to submit the project and want people to critique the synopsis that you mean to send in? Then the critiques section is the place (when you pass the 30 post threshold).

But if it's just a synopsis of the story idea you are working on and you want people to tell you whether they think the story is worth going ahead with, then right here in General Writing Discussion is the place.
Do you mean that you are ready to submit the project and want people to critique the synopsis that you mean to send in? Then the critiques section is the place.

But if it's just a synopsis of the story idea you are working on and you want people to tell you what they think of the story, then right here in General Writing Discussion is the place.

Haha...ready..ha...I wish!

No, its the story idea that I'm currently working on. I have a (very)general synopsis that is separated into chapters. I was looking for both some suggestions on the format and also any general critique's on the plot. The second question was what really worried me, both because, hey, it's the plot, and I didn't want to appear presumptuous by posting it. Not that I'm not presumptuous...I just didn't want to appear that way ;)
Honestly, it would be better to write the book and then get critiques, because plots change as you write, and any plot is only so good as the execution. You can't critique something until it's written.

However, if you want to brainstorm parts of your plot, the folks here will be glad to help you out.
Try not to think of it as a synopsis at this stage, since it isn't a precis or summary of what happens, it's only an outline of what you think might happen, but if your characters come alive you'll probably find out they have very different ideas...

I'm intrigued about your concerns about format, though. Are you thinking of doing something radical, or is it just issues over POV voices and the like?
Kaufmann, it's never bad to have a general idea for the story in your head, but I find sticking to a synopsis very restricting when it comes time to write the story. I prefer to use them as a template: I had some ideas, wrote them down, and I may even stick to them. But allowing a manuscript the chance to breathe, evolve, and grow is a necessary part of the process. The characters may surprise you more often than you think.
I've already encountered some of that growth in chapter 1 with two more or less throwaway characters evolving into integral parts of the scene.

I have a general idea of the route I want my story to take, and I'm leaving room for change as I move forward.

My concern is with the plot and how it flows, I want to make sure that it is: a- not entirely silly, and b- more or less coherant. First book and all.
Some people treat their first drafts like a trip to a forest without any map. Occasionally you walk for a good mile or so before you realize you can't get any farther. After that, you just set off in a different direction. If you find yourself written into a corner, just ignore it and move to the next scene. Maybe take some notes of what the problem is, some general ideas of how you want to fix it, but stopping to do massive edits breaks the flow of the rough draft and more importantly, your attempts to write that critical first novel.
Haha absolutely! I did that very thing while working on the prologue, and ended up jumping to chapter 1. I eventually worked through that blank spot, although now I'm halfway through chapter 2 and feel like I'm in unfamiliar territory. There was something oddly comforting about the very beginning after I'd worked on it for years. YEARS.
I posted a blog with the first half of a synopsis for my wip. Feel free to check it out and comment if you like.

Happy reading all!
