

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2010
I'm not sure that the Lomar-visions fit seamlessly with the passages brooding on the staring Polaris.

The narrator speaks of the night sky in autumn. Using my planisphere, I calculated that at that time the narrator is probably observing the sky in late November, at least if he is observing in late evening rather than the wee hours of the morning -- which may well be the case; if he is observing in the early morning hours, the time could be earlier in the year.

I infer from Lovecraft's writings that light pollution in his day was not a big problem from where he lived (which was on a hill, right?). I wonder how sky viewing then would compare with now, so many decades later... I imagine much of the sky visible to him is now obliterated. Join the International Dark-Sky Association! :D
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