Recommendations-Well Written Erotic Fantasy


Jun 3, 2004
Since we've had a big discussion about not so good erotic fantasy novel - LOL

I was wondering which books would be considered well written for this type of fantasy?
Not sure if this is what you mean, but the first 3 Kushiel books (by Jaqueline Carey) might fit the bill. I was disappointed by the sequels, though. I stopped reading the series after the Scion book. Also the early Ann Bishop series (Black Jewels).
Ive read the black jewel series and didnt think of it as erotic (LOL)
Some of Storm Constantine's stuff is quite racy, and pretty well-written. I wouldn't actually class any of the books I've read as erotic novels, because the other aspects are more important, but she did publish a collection of short stories called The Thorn Boy, which is closer to erotica (but not as good).
One of the most fun in the BDSM vein is A. N. Roquelaure's (i.e. Anne Rice)'s Sleeping Beauty trilogy.
Oh and while I am on a Piers Anthony kick, there is his Pornucopia. Though this one is NOT for the faint of heart. It is described on his website as " a picaresque black comedy that transgresses all bounds of everyday good taste."

And that is the truth! :) Only thing is it was originally released as a signed limited edition hardcover, and I do not know if it was ever published in any other form.
I believe there was another one from him called The Magic Fart. I think both are available from Amazon, though I'm not sure I'd recommend either, but then as I haven't read either that's probably a little unfair to PA. However I'm not sure these would be described as erotica, I suspect they go a bit beyond that!
Tried reading Piers Anthony once. Fun writing style but would you call him "erotic" or just "let's not hide away from the fact that human beings are driven by basic desires and bad things happen to good people in space".

Bio of a space tyrant (vol 1) was enough with the refugee pod being repeatedly boarded by pirates by one thing on their mind, and they didn't care who they did it to (at first the women, then the girls, and in some cases, boys)

The War of Powers by Vardeman and Milan could be my first foray into "it's a fantasy novel... oh, hang on..." when the lead female tries to steal from the lead male in chapter one, gets caught by him, cue seduction and sex scene and it just goes on from there!

But would you call that erotic or just "we're using sex as part of the story?"
Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series was borderline to being considered erotic imo, it certainly used sexual content often as a plot device. Whether it's 'good' or not is debatable. I certainly saw my way to the end of the series and enjoyed the story that was there, but the sexual content in the books did come across quite masochistic for the most part. It's probably not quite explicit enough to be considered 'erotic' but there was enough detail in the scenes to flavour it in that direction.
Well, surprise, surprise mummy-pr0n book has outsold JK Rowlings in the Amazon UK portal. W0h00 and lulz.

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