NYRSF essay on allusions and influences in The Chronicles of Amber


Christopher Kovacs
Nov 24, 2007
The July 2012 issue of The New York Review of Science Fiction contains my essay "Suspended in Literature: Patterns and Allusions in The Chronicles of Amber." This essay focuses on the first five books (Corwin's tale) and explains some of the allusions and influences I've identified during my effort to annotate the Amber books. For example, what was the "philosophical romance" that Roger the guard was writing during The Hand of Oberon? Who was "a certain Monsieur Foucault" at whose party Flora encountered the amnesiac Corwin, and what does that tell us about Corwin? Why is there an underlying theme of solipsism? Who was Carmen? What are the Celtic Wasteland Myths and why are they relevant to Amber and the use of Tarot? What was the point of Hugi the raven's babbling about striving for the Absolute?

A pdf of the July issue is available for $3 from the publisher's website at www.nyrsf.com.


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